
Networking events, seminars, conferences, and more by BioM

"From Science to Start-up" - Bavarian Biotech Cluster on Tour in Würzburg

Are you in­ter­ested in po­ten­tial sup­port struc­tures for start-up com­pan­ies or ca­reer op­tions in Bav­aria? We would like to in­vite…

Virtual BioM Lunchtalk: AI/ML for Biotechnology - Episode 3

Join us for our next vir­tu­al BioM Lunchtalk epis­ode on Wed­nes­day, 24 April 2024 from 12:00 to ap­prox. 13:00.

Virtual BioM Crash Course Drug Development 2024

Dive into the cut­ting-edge world of drug de­vel­op­ment with our ground-break­ing vir­tu­al BioM Crash Course, start­ing on 24 April 2024.…

Treffen Diagnostiknetzwerk Bayern am 06.05.2024

Im Dia­gnostiknet­zwerk Bay­ern tref­fen sich re­gel­mäßig Fir­men, uni­versitäre und klin­is­che Grup­pen sowie In­teressierte aus dem…

BioM Workshop: F&E- und Lizenzverträge

Ent­deck­en Sie die Kunst der Ver­trags­gestal­tung und sich­ern Sie Ihre Forschung­sergeb­n­isse und In­nov­a­tion­en! Neh­men Sie teil am…

Business Development Stammtisch – BD Networking #2

Net­zwerk­ver­an­stal­tung für Busi­ness Devel­op­ment Man­ager in Bi­otech und Pharma.Fin­det statt:Loca­tion / tbdZu diesem…

REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN: BayOConnect 2024 - Forum for Biotech and LifeScience

Dis­cov­er the fu­ture of bi­o­tech­no­logy at BayOCon­nect – the premi­er bi­o­tech­no­logy con­fer­ence in Mu­nich!Re­gis­tra­tion is now…

BIO-Europe 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden: Join us at the German Pavilion!

BIO-Europe 2024: Out­stand­ing Offer at the Ger­man Pavil­ion – Se­cure Your Spot Now!This fall, BIO-Europe re­turns for an en­rich­ing…

external Dates

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24.04.2024, 13:00

Sig­nal­ing through the Ubi­quitin Sys­tem


Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie

24.04.2024, 14:00

Fates and rates in neurodevel­op­ment set by the ri­bo­some


LMU München - Biomedizinisches Centrum München - BMC

24.04.2024, 17:00

Vor­trag Simon Heil­bron­ner


LMU München - Biomedizinisches Centrum München - BMC

25.04.2024, 08:30

From Molecule to Mar­ket: Nav­ig­at­ing the Com­plex­it­ies of Drug Devel­op­ment


World Courier (Deutschland) GmbH

25.04.2024, 14:00

Curi­ouser and Curi­ouser - How Astro­cytes use the Actin Cyto­skel­et­on...


LMU München - Biomedizinisches Centrum München - BMC

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Dr. Andreas Berghammer
Dr. Andreas Berghammer

Community Service Lead

Melanie Greitl
Melanie Greitl

Community Service & Event Manager