BioM accompanied 15 Bavarian companies to Japan. The Osaka Partnering Conference on October 10th was on the agenda, followed by the BioJapan 2017 on October 11-13th in Yokohama.
At this year's Osaka Partnering Conference, nearly 90 representatives of Japanese companies came together with around 60 companies from Europe, mainly SMEs from biotechnology, medtech and pharmaceuticals to initiate or deepen business contacts.
The Osaka Partnering Conference was developed two years ago by BioM with the partner cluster Osaka BioHeadquarters and opened to other European companies last year. BioM is pleased with the positive response to the concept of the regional conference.
At the opening of the Osaka Conference greetings came from Mr Jun Arai, Vice Governor of the Osaka Prefectural Government: "More than 100 companies are attending this event today and I firmly believe that this meeting will provide wonderful opportunities for future cooperations between European countries and the Osaka/Kansai region."
Following the conference in Osaka, Bayern International and BioM organized a joint exhibition at the BioJapan 2017 in Yokohama for the 15 companies from Bavarian biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry. Asia's largest trade show and partnering event for biotechnology provided further opportunities for networking and partnering at the Bavarian pavilion.
Daniel Vitt, CEO of Immunic AG, said: "We are very pleased that the InnoMuNiCH project is bearing fruit. BioM gave us a very important pharmaceutical contact for a partnering talk." BioM's InnoMuNiCH project aims to accelerate global biopharmaceutical innovations by pooling German-Japanese expertise in research and development. It is funded by the BMBF and managed by BioM. Contact: Dr. Megumi Hashiguchi at hashiguchi@
In addition to the numerous and fruitful talks at the Bavarian Pavilion, Dr. Stephanie Wehnelt presented BioM's cluster activities at the Lucheon-Seminar of the Exportinitiative Gesundheitswirtschaft. In 2018, the German industry will be present there for the first time with a federal community booth.