
Munich successful at the EIT Health Headstart Awards

[Translate to English:] Die Gewinnerteams der diesjährigen EIT Health Headstart Awards

The winning teams of this year's EIT Health Headstart Awards © EIT Health

Four teams from Munich win the EIT Health Headstart Awards.

The awards are part of EIT Health's funding programs that support innovative companies active in the healthcare sector in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The aim of these programmes is to accelerate their market entry and adoption of new products and services in the healthcare sector.

EIT Health provides cash awards of up to €50,000.00 for each winner as well as access to its vast pan-European network of industrial, research and higher education partners.

On the occasion of the Frontiers Health Conference, we invited 14 startups to present their innovative business ideas to a selected jury of experts.

From Munich, Cliniserve, EpiQMAx, reFit and Vicron pitched. Cliniserve showed its mobile assistant, which helps nursing staff in hospitals to structure their work. EpiQMax described how their product can measure epigenetic markers quickly, sensitively and easily. reFit Systems demonstrated its video game platform for individualized therapy while Vicron presented its therapeutic decision making system for physicians.

And the winners are...

After an intensive debate, the jury decided on nine startups, among them all Munich-based: EpiQMAx, Cliniserve, reFit Systems GmbH and Vicron. The other winners were Menutech, Living Brain, CogniScent, Mindable Health and Clinomic GmbH.

In addition to seven awards worth 50,000 euros each, this year EIT Health Germany decided to fund another 50,000 euros because the jury was so impressed by the ideas of the startups. The additional funding is shared by the startups Mindable Health and Vicron.


