We would like to inform you in our new series of 'Bavarian Biotech News' about interesting topics in our innovation community.
Bavaria is a leading region within Germany in many different technology areas, BioM is mandated to focus on biomedical innovation, bringing together excellent research with world leading industry, also from abroad. We compiled some examples on a few pages... of course there is more to be found in Bavaria. Our aim is, to bring 'future medicine' to the patients, if this is your goal too or you can help us in reaching this: please connect!
This brochure will be delivered quarterly, if you know someone else who might be interested please forward.
This News-Compilation can be found online at: Bavarian Biotech News October 2018
or directly downloaded Bavarian Biotech News October 2018 (pdf)
If you want to receive this quarterly news edition, please send an email to redaktion@bio-m.org