- The livetalk will be held in German -
"Vaccination via the nose - Do new hopefules bring sterile immunity?" is the title of the eighth episode from the FORUM Science & Health Livetalk series, which will again be broadcast live from WERK1 by BioM on November 25.
Jeanne Turczynski, science editor at Bayerischer Rundfunk, discusses new vaccination options and the state of research in nasal vaccines with high-ranking experts from science, healthcare and industry.
BMBF-funded projects such as that of the LMU research team led by Prof. Josef Rosenecker report first promising results from the animal model. However, the road to clinical trials still seems long.
Join us as the hopefuls of mucosal vaccination are contrasted with intramuscular vaccination and possibilities are discussed from scientific, medical and economic perspectives.
➜ More information on the Livetalk website
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FORUM Science & Health - Medicine of the Future
The FORUM Science & Health is the interdisciplinary meeting place in Bavaria for everyone interested in life science and biotechnology. It covers a range of relevant topics, connecting players from the fields of biotechnology, medicine, nutrition, medical technology and digitalization to set new impulses for a future-oriented integrated medicine.
The forum facilitates an informative and fruitful exchange about current developments in the sector, novel technologies, interesting new findings and all the hot topics in the field of health research.