The Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems (Fraunhofer IKS) has recently won Bavarian project tenders on the subject of quantum computing and is currently applying for more funding. Now companies with use cases and applications, such as active ingredient identification, optimization and other, can benefit and are invited to make contact immediately.
Fraunhofer IKS is, among other things, part of the Munich Quantum Valley and therefore an ideal local project partner. In the next weeks and months, Fraunhofer IKS is looking for companies that want to fully partner for further funding calls on quantum computing in e.g. lighthouse projects. Topics of interest are quantum machine learning, simulation of quantum mechanical systems and optimization topics in the for and production of active ingredients.
Interested companies are welcome to contribute with real-life use cases and applications.
Additionally, until end of September 2021, companies of all size can contribute as associated partner for a national project tender that is currently in applying stage 2. The consortium is working on software tools for use on quantum computers, i.g. to allow creation of quantum applications with prefabricated modules with low entry barriers.
A OnePager about the topic, including contact details, can be found here: Fraunhofer IKS Quantum-Computing Pharma