The relaunch of the call for applications for ‘SMEs Go International’ Technical Assistance Facility has been started. The call is open until Friday, 16 October at 18:00h CEST.
The SMEs Go International Technical Assistance Facility is a unique support service provided by the European Commission for eligible projects related to the ‘European Strategic Cluster Partnership for Going International’ (ESCP4i) and the H2020 INNOSUP-1 Initiative.
'SMEs Go International' aims to facilitate the internationalisation and scaling-up efforts of European SMEs by providing and advisory services to 25 selected projects. Depending on the market and country targeted by the project, beneficiaries will profit from the best-suited mix of business and legal expert support.
Based on the previous experience, the eligibility criteria have been amended to open the call to more candidates. Having signed a business cooperation agreement or letter of intent will no longer be a requirement; a proof of established contact with a partner in a third country (e.g. exchange of emails) will suffice. Furthermore, the SMEs that participated in the H2020 INNOSUP-1 Initiative will now be eligible.
For more information, check the guidance document for applicants and the frequently asked questions.
The application form can be found under:
The 25 selected projects will have access to specialists and business advisors from around the world to provide hands-on and direct business advisory support to each project. Business advisory support from specialists can provide the necessary insights, skills and knowledge to the SMEs.
What are the benefits for the SMEs?
The internationalisation support can help SMEs to:
- Access new markets and provide opportunities to reach more consumers, thus increasing sales.
- Seize chances to diversify and spread out risks in these challenging times.
- Gain competitive edge over their competitors, along with access to new technologies and supply chains, which may significantly improve operations.
- Access skills and knowledge, helping the SMEs to gain access to talent and learn about innovation.
- Forge foreign investment opportunities by developing new resources and establishing important connections.
- The advisory support will cover a range of topics based on the needs of SMEs.
To thoroughly explain the application process and address any questions from potential applicants, there will be a Q&A webinar on 1 October at 15:00h CEST.