The Bavarian Biotechnology Cluster is a network connecting the biotech locations and incubators in Bavaria. The Bavarian Biotechnology Cluster ist managed by BioM. We offer information about the sector and help to find the right contacts. By connecting the appropriate partners from science and industry, we accompany the innovation process from idea to product. The Bavarian Biotechnology Cluster is funded within the framework of the Cluster Initiative Bavaria.
The European Metropolitan Region of Nuremberg (EMN) is a leading site for medical technology. Many highly-specialized research institutes and global market leaders as well as young companies are active in the region.
In the Greater Munich area, over 450 companies are active in the biopharma sector. The cluster has a focus on therapeutics and diagnostics and benefits in particular from the excellent local scientific research.
BioPark Regensburg is a cluster management organization operating a technology and incubator center on the premises of the University of Regensburg. BioPark offers 18,000 sqm of modern laboratory and office spaces as well as comprehensive technology.
Located about 140 km north of Munich on the Danube, Straubing is addressing industrial biotechnology. Its core competence is value-adding of renewable raw materials in the specialized entrepreneurial centers of BioCubator and the Danube port.
The Innovation and Start-up Center in Würzburg close to the Julius Maximilian University provides laboratory areas and has developed a comprehensive support program for start-up companies in the region.