BioM is pleased to offer its network 10% discount for BioFIT Digital Event on December 7-10, organized by Eurasanté.
With the highest attending rate of TTOs, research institutes and academia together with big pharma, emerging and small biotech, diagnostic companies, pre-seed / seed / Series A investors, BioFIT is the leading partnering event in Europe for technology transfer, academia-industry collaborations, early-stage innovation deals and pre-seed, seed and Series A investment in the field of Life Sciences.
More than 1,400 international leading actors of human and animal health from 40+ countries meet every year to entail new partnerships, source innovative and competitive early stage R&D projects, facilitate the emergence of collaborative projects and increase licensing opportunities.
Discount time line:
- until October, 29th: 10% on the regular price,
- until the event: 10% on the late registration price
If you are interested, please contact BioM (Dr. Petra Burgstaller, burgstaller@ or Gabriele Klingner, bio-m.orgklingner@).
updated on Oct 15, 2020