
More about the companies of the Bavarian biotechnological cluster is available in our company database.


BioM is the cluster management agency of the Bavarian biotechnology cluster, by this network linking the Bavarian locations with the Munich Biotech cluster.

BioM is a founding member of BIO Deutschland, the association of biotechnology industry.

BioM is a founding member of the Council of European BioRegions (CEBR) and supports the CEBR Position Papers on "The Role and Situation of European Life Science Ecosystems" and on "Digitalisation in Health and Clusters' Role". After her presidency from April 2018 to June 2020, Dr. Stephanie Wehnelt from BioM continues to be a member of the CEBR supervisory board.

BioM is a (silver) member of One Nucleus, an international organization for life sciences and healthcare companies based in Cambridge and London.

BioM is a founding member of the m4 Association for Personalized Medicine, a discussion and working platform for the further development and establishment of personalized medicine.

BioM is a member of go-cluster, the excellence initiative in cluster policies of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy.

BioM is a community partner of the German Accelerator Life Sciences, located in Cambridge/Boston (USA), that provides consulting and mentoring on business development, financing, market entry and regulatory issues in the USA on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy.

BioM is a member of the German Startups Association, which acts as a representative of start-ups in Germany for a founder-friendly Germany.

BioM is a founder member of EIT Health, the largest European health care initiative.

BioM is member of Forum MedTech Pharma.

BioM is member of Chemiecluster Bayern, the network of Bavarin chemical sector.

BioM is member of GründerRegioM  supportin university spin-offs.

BioM is member of EASyM, the European Association of Systems Medicine.

BioM is member of Japanese-German Business Association DJW.

BioM is member of, a leading digital media covering the European Biotech industry.

Partners and Links


All Bavarian biotechnological regions in the Bavarian biotechnology cluster.

The Bavarian Research Alliance academics from Bavarian universities as well as industry players in competition for European research funding. It provides an overview of Bavarian research networks.

The Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency provides integrated consultation, especially on EU funding.

The Bavarian Patent Alliance is the main patent and marketing agency of 28 Bavarian universities.

Bayern International – The Bavarian Association for International Economic Relations promotes the export business of small and medium-sized enterprises and performs location marketing for Bavaria.

BayStartUP! supports start-ups throughout Bavaria from its main sites in Nuremberg and Munich and organizes the Bavarian Business Plan Competitions in the proven manner.

Chemistry Cluster Bavaria - Network of the research facilities and companies in the chemical sector.

Cluster Food Bavaria - Network of the Bavarian agriculture and food industry.

The Nanotechnological Cluster of Bavaria networks nanotechnological skills from economy, science, politics and education.

Gründerland Bayern is an initiative of the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy. With its offers it supports (prospective) founders of all industries and in each founding phase.

IBB – The IBB Netzwerk GmbH is a network and service organization in the field of industrial biotechnology.

The Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Munich and Upper Bavaria is the largest of its kind in Germany, operating as an organization for all companies from industry, trade and services.

Invest in Bavaria - International investors and location marketing, information resources concerning settlement in Bavaria or cooperation with other companies.

IZB - The Biotechnology Innovation and Incubator Centers (Innovations- und Gründerzentren Biotechnologie - IZB) provide latest laboratory units and office space for young biotechnological companies.

Munich Network provides active support in the foundation, growth and continued success of technological companies. Munich Network connects companies with regional innovation forces and with the most important technological regions abroad.

In the Department of Labor and Economic Affairs of the state capital of Munich, you will learn everything about the location factors of the region and the easiest way through the administration.

Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Media, Energy and Technology

Bavarian State Ministry of Science, Research and Arts

Zentrum Digitalisierung.Bayern (Center Digitalization.Bavaria) - collects activities in the area of digitalization in Bavaria, among other things, by the Digital Health/Medicine platform.


Bio Deutschland - the German industrial biotechnology organization

The Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt (DPMA) (German Patent and Trademark Office) headquartered in Munich, is the main authority for intellectual property rights for businesses in Germany.

The Deutsche Industrievereinigung Biotechnologie (DIB) (German Industrial Association for Biotechnology) is the Biotechnology Association of the German Chemical Industry Association (Verband der Chemischen Industrie - VCI).

Vereinigung deutscher Biotechnologie-Unternehmen (VBU) (Association of German Biotechnology Companies) of Dechema.

The German Research Council is the main administrative body of science to promote research at universities and publicly funded research institutions in Germany.

DGPharMed is a scientific society with about 1300 members - an association of physicians and natural scientists. Its members are working for the pharmaceutical industry, in contracted research institutes or in other research facilities. Since its establishment in 1973, DGPharMed has been promoting pharmaceutical drugs.

The Verband Biologie, Biowissenschaften und Biomedizin in Deutschland e.V. (VBIO, formerly vdbiol) (Association of Biology, Biosciences and Biomedicine in Germany) is a non-profit scientific association for the promotion of biology and biomedicine in science, education and practice. The vast majority of life sciences are organized there.

Verband biologisch-technischer Assistenten (VBTA) (Association of Biological Technical Assistants)

Verband der Chemischen Industrie (VCI) (Association of the Chemical Industry)

The Biotechnologische Studenteninitiative (btS e.V.) (Biotechnological Students Initiative) is an independent student association meant to provide insight into practical work and to facilitate the transition into job life.


European Commission - Biotechnology

EuropaBio is a lobby organization of the European biotechnological industry. 

European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB) is an association for promoting European biotechnology.

European Biotechnology Foundation

EurOffice Services Network (EOS)

Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) is the world's largest biotechnological industry association.


Promotion Database - Information on funding programs and financial aids from the Federal Government, the federal states and the EU

GMP-Navigator - Information service on good manufacturing practices



Funding programs and useful links, especially for start-ups in the biotechnological sector: For start-ups/links

Prof. Dr. Ralf Huss
Prof. Dr. Ralf Huss

Managing Director
