Vision & Mission Profile




BioM creates a unique ecosystem in biotechnology & medicine to accelerate innovation, growth and value creation in Bavaria.


BioM has been the network organization of the biotechnology industry in Munich and Bavaria for over 25 years, commissioned by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs. As a non-profit organization, BioM creates a unique ecosystem in medicine and biotechnology for innovation, growth and value creation in Bavaria. To achieve this, we connect all the relevant partners and support Bavarian biotech companies.

BioM provides comprehensive advice and special coaching, training and mentoring programs especially for prospective company founders. With its incubator MAxL (Munich Accelerator Life Sciences & Medicine), BioM also offers optimal conditions for pre-seed projects and early-stage start-ups in the biotech and healthtech sector. BioM has also been coordinating the m4 Award pre-seed competition in the field of biomedicine since 2011, which is funded by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs with a total of 2.5 million euros. BioM has so far supported over 250 start-ups.

In addition, BioM offers a variety of workshops, training courses and events on industry-specific topics.

The Bavarian Biotech Cluster comprises over 520 biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies as well as associated service providers. The core competence of the region is the development of innovative therapeutics, diagnostics and the underlying technologies, especially for personalized medicine.

Prof. Dr. Ralf Huss
Prof. Dr. Ralf Huss

Managing Director

Cluster Biotechnology Bavaria