Mentor Circle

Mentoring for Founders

Since 2012, BioM has been networking volunteer mentors with prospective company founders and scientists interested in commercializing their research. The mentors are experienced bio entrepreneurs, industry executives or renowned scientists experienced in commercialization. They contribute as sparring partners, support the founders with their expertise and share their valuable contacts.

The knowledge of our more than 80 mentors covers a broad range from patent law via pre-clinical and clinical development to regulatory issues. The BioM Mentor Circle enables a valuable exchange in an informal and confidential environment. The mentors' commitment is voluntary and honorary.

Benefits for mentees:

  • Supporting the implementation of a utilization or foundation concept

  • Advancing personal and professional potentials and abilities

  • Supporting the development of strategic and entrepreneurial skills

  • Developing management skills

  • Expanding the personal and professional network

We will help you find the right mentor for your project. » Application for Mentees

„The regular exchange with our mentor, a former CSO of a listed company, was invaluable to our project.“
Dr. Markus Conrad, Helmholtz Center Munich

Benefits for mentors

  • Enjoy sharing experiences

  • Extend social consultation skills

  • Influence innovative commercialization and start-up ideas

  • Gain suggestions and views by exchanging experience

  • Extend your own networks

Commit yourself as our mentor and accompany a young scientist or business founder. Please contact us for further information.

„I am very happy to share my practical experience with other motivated company founders."
Dr. Niels Fertig, CEO and Founder of Nanion Technologies GmbH, BioM Mentor

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