
Investors meet BioEntrepreneurs

BioAngels is an exclusive matchmaking concept for private investors such as business angels, wealthy individuals, family offices and conventional venture capital investors determined to invest in life sciences & health technology.


We introduce private investors to selected, innovative start-up projects at an early stage. 

BioEntrepreneurs planning a spin-off or start-up in search of investors can apply with us to present their business idea to our BioAngels. The presenting teams will be prepared by us to submit all relevant information needed for deciding on an investment in an appropriate manner.

Focus on health care sector

Our circle of investors is interested in participating in the following areas:

  •     Innovative drug development
  •     New diagnosis procedures
  •     Big data & digital health
  •     New drug technologies and approaches to regenerative drugs
  •     Innovative platform technologies and services


    „On the BioAngels Pitch Day, it is easy to talk to the teams. That would be harder on large investment conferences. I also greatly appreciate the exchange with the other investors.“
    Dr. Hubert Birner, TVM Capital


    „The preparation by the team of BioM was very good and intensive. The criticizing feedback has helped us tailor our presentation to the demands of investors.“
    Dr. Kathrin Ladetzki-Baehs, adivo.

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Dr. Petra Burgstaller
Dr. Petra Burgstaller

Incubation & MAxL Co-Lead, Portfolio Management

Christina Enke-Stolle
Christina Enke-Stolle

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