
BioM's articles and press releases about the Bavarian biotechnology sector

“KHAN-II”: 51 million Euro for early-stage drug discovery investments

Khanu Fonds­ver­wal­tung GmbH (Khanu), a fund man­age­ment team from Dort­mund, Ger­many, fo­cus­ing on drug dis­cov­ery, an­nounces the…

Cardior co-founder and RNA expert Prof. Thomas Thum joins board of MAxL team RNATICS

Bi­otech start-up RNATICS strengthens its man­age­ment team with Prof. Dr. Tho­mas Thum. As an in­ter­na­tion­ally re­cog­nized ex­pert in…

Avelios Medical secures 30 million euros for hospital information system

The Mu­nich-based healthtech start-up Avelios Med­ic­al has raised 30 mil­lion euros in a Ser­ies A fin­an­cing round. The fin­an­cing round…

DEBRA Research and LEO Pharma Announce Strategic Partnership to Advance Treatments for Rare Skin Diseases

DEBRA Re­search GmbH, a non-profit or­gan­iz­a­tion loc­ated in Mu­nich ded­ic­ated to ad­van­cing re­search, ad­vocacy, and sup­port for…

Swiss Biotech Day 2025: Get your discounted ticket now!

The Swiss Bi­otech Day will again take place from 05 to 06 May 2025 in Basel (Switzer­land). The SBD has be­come one of the key events in…

m4 Award winner Tubulis starts clinical trial with ADC TUB-030 for the treatment of solid tumours

The Martin­sried-based bi­otech com­pany Tubulis has dosed the first pa­tient in its Phase I/IIa study in­vest­ig­at­ing the an­ti­body drug…

BIO-Europe Spring 2025: Early bird rate expires on 31 January - Get the 15% BioM discount now!

This March, BIO-Europe Spring re­turns for a dy­nam­ic in-per­son ex­per­i­ence, and BioM is ex­cited to in­vite you to join us! From 17 –…

RNhale receives EUR 2.5 million funding from EIC Transition Programm

The Mu­nich-based bi­otech start-up RNhale has re­ceived fund­ing as part of the European In­nov­a­tion Coun­cil (EIC) Trans­ition…

Honoring Excellence: MPG president Patrick Cramer Delivers the Inaugural Ernst-Ludwig Winnacker Lecture, Highlighting AI and Genetics in the Biomedicine Revolution

On be­half of the 41. an­nu­al Ring­berg sym­posi­um at lake Tegernsee, or­gan­ized by BioM and the Gene Center Mu­nich and co-sponsored by…

Formycon receives EU approval for aflibercept biosimilar for the treatment of severe retinal diseases

The European Com­mis­sion has ap­proved the bi­osim­il­ar afliber­cept (FYB203) from For­my­con AG, Martin­sried-Planegg, Ger­many, under…