
BioM's articles and press releases about the Bavarian biotechnology sector

Helmholtz Munich: New approach to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Re­search­ers from Helm­holtz Mu­nich in co­oper­a­tion with an in­ter­na­tion­al team have dis­covered a key mech­an­ism that con­trib­utes…

Antibody conjugate shows huge progress in breast cancer treatment

An in­ter­na­tion­al team of re­search­ers led by Prof. Nadia Harbe­ck has made a sig­ni­fic­ant ad­vance in breast can­cer treat­ment. The…

FAU scientist receives Life Sciences Bridge Award for research on T cell immune response

Wheth­er a killer T cell in our im­mune sys­tem pro­tects or harms us de­pends on which an­ti­gen it binds to with its typ­ic­al re­cept­or.…

Anette-Gabriele Ziegler Awarded Prestigious Rachmiel Levine Medal

Prof. Anette-Gab­ri­ele Zie­g­ler, Dir­ect­or of the Helm­holtz Mu­nich In­sti­tute for Dia­betes Re­search, was awar­ded the 2024…

Formycon and Fresenius Kabi receive EU approval for FYB202/Otulfi® (ustekinumab) for the treatment of inflammatory diseases

For­my­con AG from Martin­sried near Mu­nich and its com­mer­cial­iz­a­tion part­ner Freseni­us Kabi have re­ceived ap­prov­al from the…

m4 Award winner knowing01 receives oversubscribed pre-seed funding

The Mu­nich-based bi­otech SaaS start-up know­ing01 GmbH has suc­cess­fully com­pleted an over­sub­scribed six-fig­ure pre-seed fin­an­cing…

Pentixapharm from Würzburg/Berlin sets price range for planned IPO

Pentixapharm Hold­ing AG, fo­cused on the de­vel­op­ment of first-in-class ra­dio­phar­ma­ceut­ic­als, has an­nounced the price range for…

New Max Planck Center for Physics and Medicine opened in Erlangen

The grand open­ing of the Max Planck Center for Phys­ics and Medi­cine (MPZPM) in Er­lan­gen took place on Septem­ber 20, 2024. Around 120…

Eisbach starts Phase 1/2 trial of EIS-12656 in advanced solid tumours: first patient treated

Eis­bach Bio GmbH, a privately held clin­ic­al-stage bi­o­tech­no­logy com­pany fo­cused on can­cer medi­cines lever­aging syn­thet­ic…

Spin-off with the m4 Award - 8th call now open

You are an aca­dem­ic re­search team in the field of bio­medi­cine and want to spin off? Then the m4 Award is the per­fect op­por­tun­ity…