The BioM-agency just published the annual report - the Year-2011-Survey - of the Bavarian Biotechnology Cluster, including biopharmaceutical small and mediumsized enterprises (SME) and international subsidiaries of Biotech and Pharma companies.
More than 4000 people are now employed in the 166 SME doing core biotechnology business. Together with the international subsidiaries like Roche in Penzberg or from Big Pharma like GSK, Novartis, MSD, BMS, Daichii Sankyo and the many CRO and suppliers, the whole business environment of "Biotech/Pharma" in Bavaria counts more than 320 companies and shows stuff numbers of more than 25,000.
With an execellent drug-pipeline being investigated in about 80 clinical trials worldwide and a preclinical pipeline of more than 100 drug candidates, Bavaria shows again the most advanced and attractive projects in Germany. Not at least this attractiveness is more and more paying off as shown in the all-time high in deals in 2011 or most prominent mergers like AMGEN and Micromet.
More details and a informative appendix of all companies and their competencies can be found in the download area: