New treatments in cancer therapy, the world's thinnest endoscopes and software for the energy of the future - the winners of the Science4Life business plan phase are developing the business models of the future. Sedivention GmbH from Munich wins the 20,000 euro Science4Life Venture Cup with a medical device designed to combat obesity.
New approaches for science, research, pharmaceuticals, production and ideas for more energy efficiency and less CO2: The participants in the Science4Life business plan phase address current problems with innovative solutions.
First place in the Science4Life Venture Cup goes to the medical technology company Sedivention from Straßlach near Munich, which has declared war on obesity. This is increasing worldwide and leads to diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer. Sedivention is developing a medical device for a one-time, outpatient treatment: Similar to a gastroscopy, the nerves that conduct the feeling of hunger from the stomach to the brain are sclerosed. This relieves an increased feeling of hunger and makes it easier to lose weight. Implant, surgery or medication are therefore no longer necessary.
Science4Life, a start-up initiative of the Hessian state government and the healthcare company Sanofi, has been supporting high-tech start-ups in the fields of life sciences, chemistry and energy with know-how and a strong network of experts for 25 years now. In the 25th anniversary round, the best start-up teams were awarded prizes from 87 submissions. As usual, new concepts for the energy sector as well as solutions from medical technology and digital health are strongly represented.