XL-protein (Freising) and Wacker Biotech announced today to enter a long-term cooperation. Thus Wacker gains access to the PASylation technology of the biotech start-up, a spin-off of the Technische Universität (TU) Munich (Prof. A. Skerra). With this technology, the plasma half-life of biopharmaceuticals can be extended. PASylation enlarges the often low surface volumes of biopharmaceuticals using a peptide composed of the amino acids proline, alanine and serein in random order, which does not compromise the effectiveness. This retards renal filtration and the active substance remains longer in the blood, increasing the time window for activity. Thereby injection intervals can be prolonged, for example, which can increase "quality of life" for patients.
In June, XL-protein and Wacker announced the successful completion of a feasibility study. The PASylated form of a human growth hormone could be produced in high yield in an E. coli strain developed by Wacker.
XL-protein is partnerin the Leading-Edge Cluster m4 - Personalized Medicine and Targeted Therapies. To the m4 project of XL-protein
To the press release of XL-protein