A German team made it among the three best participants of the renowned CLARITY competition by the Boston children's Hospital. CLARITY stands for "Children’s Leadership Award for the Reliable Interpretation and appropriate Transmission of Your genomic information". In this bio-informatics competition, a diagnosis or cause of disease had to be determined in difficult cases where standard tests gave negative results. To do this, sequencing raw data and patient information from three families were provided. The team of Genomatix (Munich), CeGAT (Tübingen) and the Institute of Pathology of the University Hospital of Bonn was not only among the three best performing teams, but it also was the only one able to correctly flag all likely mutations in the three families.
Here you can find further information:
To the press release of Genomatix
CLARITY-webpage: http://genes.childrenshospital.org/
BioM-Newsletter with winner interview
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