The seminar series m4 Personalized Medicine take place in the various hospitals and scientific research institutes in Munich. No registration is needed for the complimentary seminar.
Also in 2013, anyone interested is cordially invited:
Thursday, Feb 21st, 2013
17:00 – 18:30 o'clock
Venue: TUM, Institut für Pathologie, großer Hörsaal, Trogerstr. 18, München.
Dr. Manfred Beleut, CSO, PAREQ Research AG, Schlieren, Schweiz
“Human cancers are characterized by universal genome-wide expression systematic”
Tuesday, March 12th, 2013
17:00 – 18:30 o'clock
Venue: Klinikum Großhadern der LMU, Hörsaal II, Marchioninistr. 15, München.
Dr. Stefan Thalhammer, Head of Radiation Biophysics, Helmholtz Zentrum München
“Freely programmable Lab on a Chip System for Single Cell Analysis”
Dr. Roman Zantl, Managing Director, ibidi GmbH
"Migration and Chemotaxis of Individual Cells"
Illustration: LMU