3 days of in-person partnering, networking and refreshing old contacts. The business partnering conference BIO-Europe 2022, which took place again in-person on 24-26 October 2022 in Leipzig, was a full success. This year’s joint booth of the Bayerische Biotechnologie Cluster was accompanied by several innovative Bavarian companies. Assay.Works, lifespin GmbH, 2bind GmbH and HWI group pharma services GmbH welcomed interested people and partners at their booth units and conducted fruitful discussions on their service portfolio, products (developments) and technologies. Representatives of microPhotonX, OmicScouts GmbH, NDA Regulatory Service GmbH of NDA Group AB and PAN-Biotech GmbH gained visibility by the joint booth and the mediating contacts of the BioM team, setting into full swing of networking and partnering.
Led by this year’s booth theme “Frauenkirche” in Munich and the Bavarian Maypole, the joint stand of the Bayerische Biotechnologie Cluster was a hotspot for visitors to get in contact with Bavarian Companies, European cluster organizations and partners. Eight companies took advantage of the synergies offered by the Bavarian representative office - which was supported by the outstanding cluster partners, IZB - Innovations- und Gründerzentrum für Biotechnologie, BioPark Regensburg GmbH, Innovations- und Gründerzentrum (IGZ) Würzburg, Bayern International, Invest in Bavaria, and expressed their satisfaction with the immense networking and partnering opportunities.
Lilia Selinger, Head of Sales of pharma and biotech service provider HWI group pharma, summed up:
“The Bavarian booth had an excellent position. As a result, we were able to conduct many engaging ad hoc discussions at the booth - that went remarkably well! It also creates a positive atmosphere when there are multiple exhibitors at one booth."
Thomas Schubert, CEO of biophysical services expert 2bind GmbH confirmed:
“It was really nice to be back in presence at BIO-Europe and great that BioM made this possible for us with a community stand. We are especially looking forward to next year's BIO-Europe in Munich and will definitely be back at the joint Bavarian booth.”
Interlude among the European Bioregions
BIO-Europe was rounded off with a breakfast hosted by BioM Biotech Cluster Development GmbH. It was very well attended by the representatives of the European cluster organizations and the Council of European BioRegions (CEBR) and provided the great opportunity to catch up and share on common goals and achievements.
International partnering with Korea and Japan
On the international stage, Secretary General Mr. Yoshiaki Tsukamoto of the JBA (Japan Bioindustry Association) visited and met with BioM’s Dr. Stephanie Wehnelt, head of international affairs. Japan has an outstanding accumulation of pharmaceutical companies and renowned scientific expertise. Just recently, BioM and Osaka Bio Headquarters, Osaka, Japan, officially announced the renewal of their long-standing Transnational Biotech & Life Sciences Cooperation Partnership Agreement at the EU-Japan Biotech & Pharma Partnering Conference 2022 in Osaka. The Agreement set concrete actions with the aim to accelerate business in both regions, to inform each other about the newest developments in technologies, industry, and academia, and to support business matchmaking and trade missions. Mr. Tsukamoto, too, promised a larger delegation for BIO-Europe 2023 in Munich.
An invitation to the KOREA-EU Networking Dinner by KPBMA G. – the Korea Pharmaceutical and BIO-pharma Manufacturers Association and AHK Korea (Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry) - provided BioM the opportunity to introduce its services, achievements and visions and promote the cooperation exchange between Korean and German companies of the biotech and pharma sector.
The baton “Rachermannl” goes to new host Munich
To the end of the venue, as an act of passing on the baton, a smoking man, the symbol of the Saxony based Erzgebirge, dressed in the traditional costume of the Free State consisting of: “Janker”, “Lederhosen” and hat with “Gamsbart”, thus representing the fusion of Saxony and Bavaria, was handed over by Andre Hofmann, CEO of biosaxony to Prof. Horst Domdey, managing director of BioM Biotech Cluster Development GmbH, who thus becomes the cluster host for the upcoming BIO-Europe 2023 taking place on November, 6-8 2023 in Munich.