
BioM's articles and press releases about the Bavarian biotechnology sector

Tender Extended for the Paul Martini Prize 2025

The Paul Martini Found­a­tion an­nounces the an­nu­al Paul Martini Prize for the year 2025 and calls for in­ter­na­tion­al entries. The…

Deadline extended! BIO-Europe Spring 2025: Secure Your Spot at the Bavarian Booth!

This March, BIO-Europe Spring re­turns for a dy­nam­ic in-per­son ex­per­i­ence, and BioM is ex­cited to in­vite you to join us! From 17 –…

CatalYm publishes in Nature: Visugromab demonstrates clinical success in overcoming checkpoint inhibitor resistance

Bi­otech com­pany CatalYm from Planegg near Mu­nich pub­lished data of the first-in­hu­man Phase 1/2a study of its lead drug can­did­ate…

Leibniz-Prize for Maria-Elena Torres-Padilla and Daniel Rückert

Prof. Maria-Elena Torres-Pa­dilla and Prof. Daniel Rück­ert are honored with the Gottfried Wil­helm Leib­n­iz Prize of the Ger­man Re­search…

Swiss Biotech Day 2025: Join the BioM Delegation!

The Swiss Bi­otech Day will again take place from 05 to 06 May 2025 in Basel (Switzer­land). The SBD has be­come one of the key events in…

LSX World Congress 2025: Take advantage of attractive participation opportunities at the Bavarian Booth!

The LSX World Con­gress will take place from 29 - 30 April 2025 in Lon­don (UK). A dy­nam­ic forum that brings to­geth­er life sci­ence and…

BioVaria 2025 in Munich: Application deadline for Startup Pitch & Partner until February 14

BioVaria on 28/29 April 2025 in Mu­nich will bring to­geth­er Europe's lead­ing tech­no­logy trans­fer ex­perts, in­nov­at­ors from…

m4 Award winner Tubulis enters into multi-million deal with Gilead

Tubulis, the Martin­sried-based pi­on­eer in the field of an­ti­body drug con­jug­ates (ADCs), an­nounces a multi-mil­lion euro ex­clus­ive…

Long COVID: Helmholtz Munich researchers identify possible cause of brain effects

Re­search­ers from  Helm­holtz Mu­nich and Lud­wig-Max­imili­ans-Universität (LMU) have iden­ti­fied a mech­an­ism that may ex­plain the…

Roche is laying the foundation for future diagnostics production in Germany

In the pres­ence of Feder­al Chan­cel­lor Olaf Scholz and Bav­aria's Prime Min­is­ter Dr. Markus Söder, the phar­ma­ceut­ic­al com­pany…





Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Wie Com­puter durch Laser blitz­schnell wer­den und KI die En­er­giewende bee­in­flusst


Verband angestellter Akademiker und leitender Angestellter der chemischen Industrie e. V. (VAA – Führungskräfte Chemie)

Stim­mung in Chemie und Pharma weit­er­hin gedäm­pft


Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung (HZI),Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research (HIRI)

Den Datend­schun­gel durch­schauen


LIT - Leibniz-Institut für Immuntherapie

„S­prin­gende Gene“ un­ter­stützen Im­mun­zel­len im Gewebe


Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

Wenig Ver­trauen in Dr. ChatGPT

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Gabriele Klingner
Gabriele Klingner

Communications & Marketing Lead

Christiane Proll
Christiane Proll

PR & Social Media Manager