
BioM's articles and press releases about the Bavarian biotechnology sector

BIO-Europe® 2015 gathers high-caliber presenting companies in Munich

An es­tim­ated 4,000 li­cens­ing op­por­tun­it­ies to be on offer at event start­ing 1st of Novem­ber (night open­ing re­cep­tion) to 4th of…

New Horizons in Personalized Medicine at the 5th Munich Biomarker Conference

Ex­cel­lent pro­gramme and high level speak­ers on Decem­ber 1-2, 2015

German Accelerator for LifeSciences launches in Boston, serving for international expansion

The Ger­man Ac­cel­er­at­or Life Sciences (“GALS”), a growth ac­cel­er­a­tion pro­gram for Ger­man life sci­ences com­pan­ies and an…

New York - Martinsried - New York: Exosome Diagnostics presents at OctoberINVESTfest

The 4th An­nu­al In­vestors con­fer­ence, the Ok­to­ber­INVESTfest aims to foster in­nov­a­tion and transat­lantic in­vest­ment.

Munich Proteros signs new oncology collaboration with US-Merck on epigenetic target

Proter­os to re­ceive up­front and re­search fund­ing plus mile­stone pay­ments of up to $126 mil­lion plus roy­al­ties

DNA Origami Products: Eurofins Genomics and tilibit nanosystems launch a global distribution agreement

 Eur­ofins Ge­nom­ics, the in­ter­na­tion­al mar­ket lead­er in ge­n­om­ic ser­vices, has signed a glob­al dis­tri­bu­tion agree­ment for…

Pieris Pharmaceuticals establishes US headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts


MorphoSys and Immatics Biotechnologies Enter Strategic Alliance in Immuno-oncology

Col­lab­or­a­tion Aims to Devel­op Novel Antibody-Based Ther­apies Tar­get­ing Tumor-As­so­ci­ated Peptides De­rived From In­tra­cel­lu­lar…

Munich´s leon-nanodrugs GmbH raises EUR 18.5 million in Series A financing

TVM Cap­it­al Life Science is back in Ger­many and leads in­ter­na­tion­al syn­dic­ate of in­vestors - an ad­di­tion­al EUR 3 mil­lion…

US investors active again in Germany - focussing at Southern Germany

leon-nan­od­rug (Mu­nich; Ser­ies A-round up to €21m); Juno ac­quires Stage (Mu­nich, Göt­tin­gen; €80m); Bax­alta ac­quires Sup­pre­mol…