BioM acts on behalf of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs and supports the Bavarian biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry with an extensive network. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is of the utmost importance to accelerate the discovery and development of safe and more effective drugs and vaccines. This is why we started a call for projects to solve the COVID 19 crisis and the BioM-COVID-19 exchange platform.
Call for solutions against COVID-19
BioM would like to call on all members of our network to make innovative contributions to the solution of the COVID-19 crisis.
We would be happy to receive your suggestions, to support you in the implementation of your planned projects and to connect you with the right partners.
If you have solutions to the current crisis in the following areas, please contact us as soon as possible:
- Treatment, prevention or diagnostic tools
- Enabling technologies that accelerate the development of vaccines, drugs, or diagnostic tests
- Methods to accelerate or improve clinical trials
- Methods for monitoring and controlling the evolution of the virus
- Improving production and supply methods
- Technologies and solutions for infection prevention and control
- Any other technology or approach that provides solutions to the most pressing issues associated with the pandemic
Contact: info@
BioM-COVID-19 exchange platform for the search for partners, technologies and expertise to support COVID-19 research projects
We also would like to offer an exchange platform to all companies, research institutions and clinics in Bavaria to search for partners, technologies and expertise within the scope of COVID-19 research projects.
Please send your inquiries or search for cooperation partners or your offers regarding technologies or know-how within this Bavarian exchange platform-Formular by email to info@.
a) We publish your inquiry or offer at BioM-COVID-19 exchange platform
b) If the project is to be treated confidentially, we will be happy to take your suggestions and connect you with suitable partners from the academic or industrial sectors.