
Biotech & Pharma Career Day 2024 - job opportunities in Munich

Join us for our career orientation event, bringing next-generation doctoral, postdoctoral and medical researchers together with biotech companies in the greater Munich area.

Date: 1st October 2024, 9 am - 4 pm
Venue: on-site: Biomedical Center Munich (BMC) LMU, Großhaderner Str. 9, 82152 Martinsried
  • Exhibition and networking: auditorium
  • Company presentations: Small Lecture Hall N02.040

Participation companies & agenda (coming soon):

We bring together local biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies with young students and scientists in the Greater Munich area. The focus of the event is on information and interaction:
Young scientists gain an overview and insight into
  • the companies‘ focus, portfolio and technologies
  • areas of work
  • career opportunities
  • current and future job openings
Participating companies
  • present their company in a 10-minute pitch (small lecture hall, companies will present in English)
  • introduce job profiles to attract potential employees
  • point out current or future job openings (during networking in the exhibition in the auditorium of the BMC)
Apply as a participating company and find all the information you need about exhibiting.

Check out our Poster "Career Day 2024" for more information and details soon.
