
“From Science to Start-up" - BioM on Tour in Erlangen

Maybe at some point you have made an important discovery during fundamental research where you thought that might be of translational impact, but you do not know what would be the next steps to start a company?
Or you are performing research in a university setting and would like to join a start-up?
Are you interested in potential support structures for start-up companies or career options in Bavaria?

We would like to invite you to

“From Science to Start-up" - BioM on Tour in Erlangen

on 8 October 2024, 14:00–16:00.

Venue: FAU - Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg,
Lecture Hall - Institute of Biochemistry, Fahrstraße 17, 91054 Erlangen

With this event we would like to inform you about the public support structures for scientific spin-offs in the life sciences in Erlangen and Bavaria and increase entrepreneurship activities in Erlangen.

One of these structures is the Bavarian Biotechnology Cluster, a network of biotech locations and incubators in Bavaria (Munich, Regensburg, Erlangen Nuremberg and Würzburg), managed by BioM from Munich.

In addition to presenting the extensive offerings for founders, founders of the FAU will report on their experiences with founding a life science company.
After the presentations there will be time for Q&As and networking with snacks and drinks.

Find the agenda here soon!

If you would like to join our event, please register by 2 October 2024.

We would be happy to welcome you on 8 October 2024!
