

Im Rahmen der COVID-19-Pandemie gilt es, die Entdeckung und Entwicklung sicherer und wirksamerer Medikamente und Impfstoffe zu beschleunigen. Deshalb bieten wir Unternehmen, Forschungseinrichtungen und Kliniken eine Austauschplattform für die Suche nach Partnern, Technologien und Expertisen im Rahmen von COVID-19 Forschungsprojekten an.

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Clinical Trial / Regulatory Affairs Support

4G Clinical - Randomization and Trial Supply Management

4G Clinical - Randomization and Trial Supply Management

4G Clinical is offering global RTSM / IRT / IxRS / IWR services to bringing crucial medicines to those who need them, faster.

Contact: Mr. Martijn Princen, Vice President Global Business Development,, Tel: +49.151.5175.7680,  

Bitcare - IT Know How and Software in Medical Informatics

Bitcare - IT Know How and Software in Medical Informatics

We offer IT expertise and technology. Particular focus is placed on IT security, data protection and integration of clinical systems.

Contact: Dr. Florian Kohlmayer, CEO,, Tel. +49 89 9430 1309,

Climedo - Software solution collecting clinical data for COVID-19 related projects

Climedo - Software solution collecting clinical data for COVID-19 related projects

Climedo Health offers its web-based platform for clinical data collection including digital patient diaries free of charge for medical practices, clinics, research institutes and non-profit organizations doing research related to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) / SARS-CoV-2. Climedo’s predefined digital eDiaries and ePROs (“electronic Patient Reported Outcomes”) will allow test subjects to submit potential symptoms, side effects or information on their state of wellbeing remotely via a mobile device or computer, even while being quarantined.

Contact: Sascha Ritz, Managing Director,, 

CROMSOURCE – full-service mid-size CRO for your COVID19 Studies

CROMSOURCE – full-service mid-size CRO for your COVID19 Studies

We are supporting some Covid-19 clinical trials in Europe and the US as full-service CRO and/or in our Phase I Unit in Verona, Italy and would like to offer our expertise and know-how in this to other clients.

CROMSOURCE is an ISO-certified international full-service Clinical Research Organisation (CRO) providing outsourced services to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries, specialized in clinical development and staffing solutions.

Contact: Dr. Jorge Garcia, Client Relations Director / Country Manager Germany,, Tel: +49 170 2219292

CTI – leading global CRO in the Covid-19 space (>15 Covid-19 projects)

CTI – leading global CRO in the Covid-19 space (>15 Covid-19 projects)

CTI is very interested in sharing our experience with companies that are planning therapeutic clinical trials in Covid-19 patients or that want to test Covid-vaccines.

CTI is a global full-service mid-size CRO founded in 1999.
We are a leading Clinical Research Organization in the Covid-19 space with over 15 projects running in US, Europe, South America and Asia through our 30 offices worldwide. This includes therapeutic trials and vaccine studies. Press releases to several projects can be found on our website, f.e. a first publication on a successful application of Humanigen's antibody Lenzilumab on the neutralization of GM-CSF in Covid-19 patients with severe pneumonia.
CTI services cover all steps involved in planning and conducting clinical trials, as well as, strategic regulatory support with early authority meetings, synopsis and protocol development.
Our team of medical officers include experts in general medicine, hemato-oncology, transplantation, kidney, liver, lung disease, neurology, and ophthalmology. Our deep knowledge in immunology and pulmonology is extremely useful in Covid-19 related trials.

Contact: Dr. Christiane Alexander, Director Business Development,, Tel: +49 160 43 56 834,

Cytel - Rapid innovative design & set-up for COVID trials

Cytel - Rapid innovative design & set-up for COVID trials

Pandemic response calls for speed in clinical development of vaccines and treatment options. The FDA expedites its protocol review time to 24 hours in order to enable this. We help sponsors develop innovative adaptive study design with very rapid turn-around (24-48 hours), enabling fast review and regulatory engagements. With our global network of acute care experts we also help sponsors connect to investigators.
Our COVID experience include designs of post-exposure prophylaxis study, outpatient platform trial, vaccine, ICU respiratory device as well as national epidemic planning.

Contact: Dr. Lucia Santoso, Director, Business Development,, Tel: +49 175 235 4789,

FGK – experienced full-service Clinical Contract Organisation

FGK – experienced full-service Clinical Contract Organisation

FGK Clinical Research is a full-service CRO based in Munich with subsidiaries in Berlin, Prague, Warsaw and Budapest. We have over 18 years of experience in managing clinical studies of phases I to IV in various therapeutic indications throughout Europe. Currently, we are involved in several COVID-19 projects.

  • Consulting
  • Regulatory Affairs
  • Project Management and Monitoring
  • Medical Safety
  • Data Management / Biostatistics
  • Medical Writing
  • eSolutions for Clinical Trials
  • Quality Assurance

Contact: Martin Krauss, Managing Director,, Tel: +49 89 893119 25,

GKM - Full-Service Clinical Research Organisation

GKM - Full-Service Clinical Research Organisation

Clinical Research Services for national and international clinical research with drugs and medical devices in Full- or Partial-Service :

  • Study concept development, feasibility, statistical planning
  • Regulatory Submission
  • Remote/centralized monitoring
  • Remote data review
  • Data Management
  • Biostatistics
  • Clinical study report, Medical writing (e.g. publications, abstract)
  • German value dossier writing according to § 35a SGB V
  • Medical and statistical consulting

Contact: Dr. Christian Hautmann, Head of Business Development,, Tel: +49 (0) 89 209120-49,

Hakhamanesh Biotechnology Co. - The effect of Arthrospira extract on Covid-19 patients

Hakhamanesh Biotechnology Co. - The effect of Arthrospira extract on Covid-19 patients

We are looking for partners and expertise to assist us to perform our project.

The vaccine for covid-19 not yet developed and world research centers are looking  for a cure. Reports indicate that Arthrospira extract has a significant antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. It has no toxicity or side effects and is safe.

Studies have shown Arthrospira extract was able to prevent viral proliferation and plaque formation in influenza virus strains. Arthrospira inhibits virus function when applied at an early stage of virus infection. It could significantly improve the results of influenza infection.

Contact: Amir Hosein Heydari, Manager Director,,, (+98)991 061 6809,

HWI group - Regulatory support for medicinal products and medical devices

HWI group - Regulatory support for medicinal products and medical devices

The generation of either medicinal products or medical devices requires consolidated regulatory expertise and the consideration of corresponding requirements from the beginning of development. We identify the optimal strategy for your product, compilation of the investigational medicinal product dossier (IMPD – Quality, Clinical, Tox.), the Clinical Evaluation Plan (CEP) or the clinical evaluation report (CER) and can apply for the conduction of the clinical trial at the agencies and ethics’ committee. Depending on your needs we will find a tailored solution for your developmental product.

Contact: Dr. Andrea Klüting, Senior Expert Vigilance and Regulatory Affairs, Business development,, 

Johner Institut - COVID-19 regulatory support

Johner Institut - COVID-19 regulatory support

Support regarding CE marking of medical devices and IVD medical devices:
We offer to consult you 15 min free of charge, how to assess sensitivity in a fast approach and how to place your product on the market under "emergency use authorization".
Tag your message with @IVD and you will be forwarded to the IVD team by our dispatchers.

Contact: Dr. Sebastian Grömminger, Responsible consultant In vitro diagnostic medical devices,, Tel: +49 (7531) 94500 20, 

Metronomia Clinical Research - biostatistical services, biostatistical consulting, clinical data management, support with authorities requests

Metronomia Clinical Research - biostatistical services, biostatistical consulting, clinical data management, support with authorities requests

We offer rapid & high quality support of COVID-19 studies: Statistical consulting, eCRF setup & clinical data management. We’ll donate all fees from statistical consulting for COVID-19 studies to the University Hospital in Essen (https://spenden-fü
Working on a COVID-19 trial since end of March 2020, our team is familiar with what is needed most now: Exceptional commitment and performance, going beyond expectations and industry standards to make critically important projects feasible within very short timelines.

Contact: Rudolf Köhne-Volland, Managing Director,, Tel: +49 (0) 89 82 92 65-222,

Profil - First-in-Human (phase 1) pivotal clinical trials on COVID-19 vaccines

Profil - First-in-Human (phase 1) pivotal clinical trials on COVID-19 vaccines

Profil is stepping up to this responsibility by offering support to companies developing vaccines against COVID-19. As one of the leading phase 1 units in Europe, we can offer experience with Europe's regulatory landscape as well as years of routine in conducting early phase trials in our two clinics in Germany. Combined with our team's previous experience working on novel vaccine developments this allows us to support companies looking for rapid and effective support in their clinical development.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Freimut Schliess, Director Science & Innovation,, Tel: +49 160 7035680, 

Proinnovera - Clinical Research Organization

Proinnovera - Clinical Research Organization

Proinnovera is available to manage clinical research projects related to COVID-19. We have over 20 years of experience in providing the following services in various therapeutic areas including vaccination studies:

  • Recruitment and Feasibility Management
  • Clinical Monitoring
  • Regulatory Services
  • Project Management
  • Medical Writing
  • Data Management and Statistics
  • Quality Management

Contact: Dr. Burkhard Breuer, Chief Executive Officer,, Tel: +49-251 270778 - 111,

SRE - German full-service CRO

SRE - German full-service CRO

German full-service CRO with all expertise in-house. Offering everything around clinical trials inclusive planning of these.

Contact: Dr. Andreas Pfaff, Director Clinical Operations and Regulatory Affairs,, 

SSS International Clinical Research – Your clinical project is our focus

SSS International Clinical Research – Your clinical project is our focus

SSS is offering clinical study planning and operation for almost 30 years. Until today, SSS has operated clinical trials in 25 countries.

SSS has developed a proprietary Clinical Trial Management Software, which enables an intelligent and clear control of studies even in a multinational setting. With our team of senior specialists, we have deep insights into all aspects of clinical operations. The results speak for themselves: SSS receives more than 90% of its business from existing customers. In addition, 95% of study centers rate working with SSS as good or very good.

Contact: Dr. Lars Behrend, COO,, Tel: +49 (0) 898006500,   

Xclinical - eClinical Software Platform for fast COVID-19 trial data collection

Xclinical - eClinical Software Platform for fast COVID-19 trial data collection

XClinical provides ‘Marvin’ as an all-in-one web-based software solution for easy-to-implement high-quality data collection in COVID-19 trials conducted by sponsors, CROs, clinics, research institutes and non-profit organizations. Marvin comprises modules for EDC, WebPRO (“web-based electronic Patient Reported Outcomes”), study building, eTMF, IWRS, drug management, MedDRA and WHODrug coding as well as reporting and CTMS. Customized Mailers support prompt notification on patient reporting of relevant symptoms or drug-induced adverse events.

XClinical also offers fast, flexible and focused services to support a fast study setup and immediate start of you COVID-19 data collection.
Everything is built to CDISC standards and improves access to data by delivering these modules on any web browser, in any language.

Contact: Rupert Sedlmayr, Business Development Manager,, +49 89 4522775-130,

Corporate Services

ageneo - helping companies achieve their goals with expertise and knowledge

ageneo - helping companies achieve their goals with expertise and knowledge

ageneo set up a campaign to meet the challenging requirements of companies working on COVID-related projects.

In order to contribute from our side to this great task of finding solutions, therapies, diagnostics, and vaccines for COVID-19, we offer our recruitment expertise for both permanent placement and freelancers for a dramatically reduced fee.

Contact: Selma Cevik, Head of Recruitment,, Tel: +49 - 89 72 63 210-10,

Constares - Recruiting support for free for startups/SMEs working on COVID-19 projects

Constares - Recruiting support for free for startups/SMEs working on COVID-19 projects

We offer our service Recruiter on demand (ROD) on a full service level for free for startups/SMEs working on COVID-19 projects.

We take care for all administrational aspects of your recruiting process, select potential candidates, screen them with a telephone or video interview. Additionally, we plan and accompany your interview process until the final decision and the offer process. With our service your time and effort are dramatically reduced, as many steps are automated by a recruiting software or through our work. With your personal login you can always oversee the status of the recruiting process and decide about next steps.

Contact: Christian Limmer, Managing Director,, Tel: +49 - 89125039831,

Data Analytics / Bioinformatic Services

Biomax Informatics - Disease Maps and Knowledge Management for COVID-19 clinical research

Biomax Informatics - Disease Maps and Knowledge Management for COVID-19 clinical research

The Biomax Offering in the field of COVID-19 research activities consists of three parts:

  1. Building up a human Coronavirus Disease Map to support SARS-CoV-2 pathobiology research and vaccine development by combining literature mining with expert curation and semantic data integration.

  2. Providing a knowledge management solution for integration of clinical, laboratory, imaging and high-throughput experimental data with prior knowledge from structured databases and literature mining.

  3. We currently seek partners either interested in contributing SARS-CoV-2 specific data or looking for integrated data and knowledge resources for integrative analysis and machine learning.

Contact: Dieter Maier, Director Project Management,,
Tel: +49 - 89 895574-0,

Datadesk - Electronic data capture solution & software development

Datadesk - Electronic data capture solution & software development

We offer research projects the possibility to use our database software for clinical studies and database development.

We can also support projects with our knowledge in software development and big data analysis.  Depending on the application a prototype can be provided by us within a few days free of charge.

Contact: Jakob Niggel, Founder,, Tel: +49 151/52341793,

eForce21 - Online Image Annotation Tool for AI Development

eForce21 - Online Image Annotation Tool for AI Development

1.    Online Image Annotation Tool for free
2.    Develop computer vision AI

MDs, researchers, medical labs, clinics, scientists, data engineers – if you need an image annotation tool to fight #coronavirus and label e.g. x-ray images, then we offer our platform for FREE.
We also offer to develop computer vision AI for diagnostic purposes for FREE if you can provide images.

Contact: Klaus Schlumpberger, CEO,, Tel: +49 - 89 1250144-00,

eXXcellent solutions and Intuity - Software Development & Product Design

eXXcellent solutions and Intuity - Software Development & Product Design

We want to help and offer our expertise. eXXcellent and Intuity are strong partners when it comes to cover the entire field from exploration, software- and hardware prototyping to market-ready software and development of products.

Exploration & Advanced Development

  • User interface and software design
  • Human-machine interface design
  • Software prototyping
  • Hardware prototyping (electrical & mechanical engineering, robotics & optics)
  • Product design
  • Advance product development & small series

Productive Software Development

  • Customer specific IT-solutions
  • Laboratory automation (including IoT)
  • Developing tools for fast and standardized data collection
  • Automatization of bioinformatic and medical data analysis and statistics (including Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Dr. Kristin Kaltdorf, Software Engineer,, Tel: +49 - 151 4022 9746,
Bettina Maier, Exploration & Design Strategy | Fellow,, Tel:
+49 - 711 94 54 55-74,

HS Analysis - Autonomous AI systems for drug development and diagnosis

HS Analysis - Autonomous AI systems for drug development and diagnosis

We are looking for partners from pharm industry for drug development and medical partners from university/hospital for diagnosis and research. COVAI-1 is a software infrastructure, an autonomous AI system for diagnostics, prevention, information, detection system and drug research against corona virus. This system supports medical experts by decision making. It creats reproducible and objective results and gives to medical experts the possibility to train their own AI without programming knowledge and is able to train and volidate themself by adding new information. It runs in a cloud by using low power laptops or secured in a lab at a workstation or at an internal infrastructure of it.

Contact: Sergey Biniaminov, Data Scientist / CEO,, Tel: +49-176-29868666,   

Independant Data Lab - Biomedical data research for COVID-19 fight

Independant Data Lab - Biomedical data research for COVID-19 fight

We offer a team of data scientists with expertise in biomedical field (bioinformatics, image processing, biostatstics, and machine learning and statistics in general).

Contact: Dr. Tatsiana Aneichyk, CEO,, Tel: +4915125710007,   

LMU Bioinformatics - Support for Sequencing Data, Network and Statistical Analysis

LMU Bioinformatics - Support for Sequencing Data, Network and Statistical Analysis

In our research group, we have extensive experience in high-throughput data analysis, in particular for sequencing and network data. A main research focus is the development of bioinformatics methods for transcriptomic analysis of virus-infected cells.

We can offer support for:

  • Statistical analysis and experiment design of large-scale experiments
  • Sequencing data analysis, in particular but not limited to RNA-seq
  • ChIP-seq analysis

Contact: Prof. Dr. Caroline Friedel, Research Group Leader,, - cloud computing provider and data centers to provide computing power to fight corona / SARS-CoV-2 - cloud computing provider and data centers to provide computing power to fight corona / SARS-CoV-2

We are looking for partners, and offering technology and capacities of computing power.
We are a Joint Venture of cloud computing providers and data centers which want to provide our combined computing power to biotechs, universities, scientists etc. which are fighting corona.

Contact: Tobias Adler, CEO,, Tel: +49 163 6983 666,

Vectorspace AI - COVID-19 Datasets

Vectorspace AI - COVID-19 Datasets

COVID-19 Drug Repurposing Datasets Now Available in Collaboration with Vectorspace AI, Amazon & Microsoft’ 

Vectorspace AI focuses on context-controlled NLP/NLU (Natural Language Processing/ Understanding) and feature engineering for hidden relationship detection in data for the purpose of powering advanced approaches in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). Our platform powers research groups, data vendors, funds and institutions by generating on-demand NLP/NLU correlation matrix datasets. Those alternative datasets are designed for predicting unique hidden relationships between objects such as genes, proteins, drug compounds or infectious diseases. Our objective is to enable any group analyzing data to save time by testing a hypothesis or running experiments with higher throughput. This can increase the speed of innovation, novel scientific breakthroughs and discoveries.

Contact: Kasian Franks, Technical Co-Founder and CEO,, Tel: +1 - 415 4073875,

Diagnostics / Testing Capacity / Infrastructure

advanced biolab service - Real Time PCR device

advanced biolab service - Real Time PCR device

We are able to quickly (0-2 days) deliver (sell or rent or provide for free during the crysis period) a refurbished ABI 7300 or 7500 or 7500-Fast Real Time PCR device from our stock to labs, who want to increase their Corona test capacity

Contact: Axel Künzler, Managing Director,, Tel.: +49 (0) 89 45470050,

AID – Immune Analytics: COVID19 immunomonitoring of pre-/clinical samples (GCLP compliant)

AID – Immune Analytics: COVID19 immunomonitoring of pre-/clinical samples (GCLP compliant)

Since 1989 “AID Autoimmun Diagnostika” with its headquarters in the south-west of Germany (Strassberg), produces and markets diagnostic products, imaging devices and suitable software programs within the wide range of immunology and infectious diseases. One of the world-wide most used EliSpot readers (AID EliSpot Reader System) was developed and is being produced by AID.

Since 2017 our dedicated contract research laboratory “Immune Analytics” (IA) located in Strassberg offers immune analytical services for preclinical and clinical samples with prime focus on our vast EliSpot expertise. Our project staff possesses own regulated immunotherapy development expertise which we transform into a successful support of your own projects. We have established COVID19 EliSpot assays as well as peptide arrays (both research use) which can be applied in context of regulated pre-/clinical studies (GCLP).

Contact: Dr. Marco Springer, Senior Project Manager,,

altona Diagnostics GmbH - sensitive dual target SARS-CoV-2 test kit

altona Diagnostics GmbH - sensitive dual target SARS-CoV-2 test kit

With more than 250 professionals altona Diagnostics GmbH develops, manufactures and markets PCR diagnostic test solutions for fast and specific detection of common and emerging infectious pathogens including SARS-CoV-2. Headquartered in Hamburg, Germany, owner managed and based on more than 20 years of experience altona continually releases new solutions. The AltoStar® product line offers an automated IVD workflow consisting of instrumentation and dedicated kits. Additionally, a broad range of RealStar® PCR kits can be used on different open PCR platforms.

Contact: Dr. Petra Kröger, Sales Manager DACH,, Tel: +49 170 6500 184,

Biotrend - Diagnostic products for SARS-CoV-2 testing

Biotrend - Diagnostic products for SARS-CoV-2 testing

Biotrend Chemikalien GmbH, the German Office of the European Cliniscience-Sales-Group, is offering sensitive and specific CE-IVD certified RT-PCR kits (FDA and EUA approved), Viral RNA-Extraction Kits, Rapid IgG/IgM tests, Virus Transport Medium (VTM), sample collection vials and swabs for COVID-19 diagnostic.

A complete range of products to study Coronavirus - Covid-19 (nCoV2019)

Contact: Dr. Claudia Proemper,, Tel: +49 221 9498320,

BioVariance - CoVidetect

BioVariance - CoVidetect

We are offering our technological and bioinformatic expertise for the development of comprehensive IT platforms, for handling and analyzing biomedical data gained through COVID-19 testing. We already have a partner for the laboratory preparation of samples. The laboratory equipment is currently expanded to scale-up the workflow.

Contact: Dr., Josef Scheiber, Founder and Managing Director,, Tel: +49-179-7013682,

Biozol - Specific SARS-CoV-2 - detection kit

Biozol - Specific SARS-CoV-2 - detection kit

We are an international distributor with a global partner network. We can provide more than 20 Million products of more than 140 partner companies around the world. We now offer CE IVD certified COVID-19 detection kits for diagnostics.

Contact: Dr. Björn Scheler, Team Leader Marketing and Sales Event,, Tel: +49-89-37 99 666 92,   

Colorimetrix - Clinical testing of Immune response evolution with home-kits

Colorimetrix - Clinical testing of Immune response evolution with home-kits

We are sponsoring a small pilot study, looking for a clinical partner that can quickly address and run the clinical study. We will provide the home anti-body testing, and IT platform for analysis.

Contact: Dr. Leo Martinez, Managing Director,, Tel: +1-3475600037,

Eurogentec – RT-qPCR kits, primers, probes, antibodies and peptides - a full range of services tailored to SARS-CoV-2 research and diagnostics

Eurogentec – RT-qPCR kits, primers, probes, antibodies and peptides - a full range of services tailored to SARS-CoV-2 research and diagnostics

As a leading provider of reliable and innovative products and services to the Life-Science, Diagnostic and Pharmaceutical community, we are offering various COVID-19-related genomics and proteomics products.

  • RT-qPCR mixes specific for every machine
  • Primers & probes according to WHO and CDC protocol for SARS-CoV-2 diagnostics
  • Custom antibody development targeting the Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2
  • Peptide library of 159 overlapping sequences spanning the full Spike protein, available in 96-well format for screening purposes
  • Assay Kits for host and viral protease activity analysis and respective FRET protease substrates
  • Custom peptide or protein synthesis on demand

Contact: Dr. Adriana Spalwisz, Account Manager,

IOI Investment - Advanced Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles

IOI Investment - Advanced Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles

I:O:I Investment is a research company based in Hungary and the manufacturer of a novel colloidal gold nanoparticle which could be used for covid-19 tests.
The characteristics of our particle: 98.2% percent of them is 119.8nm, however we can easily shift the size of the particles either way.
It is a purple coloured crystallised derivative of fulvic acid, it’s called the “Purple of Konth”, a stable and water-soluble colloidal gold nanoparticle, fully characterised by melting point, FTIR and 13C-NMR spectra. Gold fulvate retains its special purple colour in all dilution.

Contact: Norbert Bujtas,, Tel: +447960848258,

Magna Diagnostocs - PoC-detection of respiratory pathogens (SARS-CoV-2) in functionalized hydrogels within FFP-protective face masks

Magna Diagnostocs - PoC-detection of respiratory pathogens (SARS-CoV-2) in functionalized hydrogels within FFP-protective face masks

We are seeking a strategic partner with experience in antigen tests R&D and diagnostic validation to jointly develop and market an innovative test system for respiratory pathogens (especially SARS-CoV-2) based on superabsorbing hydrogels in FFP protective face masks (current stage: experimental feasibility study).

The project provides for the development of a hydrogel-based testing system for PoC-detection of respiratory pathogens, SARS-CoV-2 in particular, which can be integrated in a miniaturized, modular form in an FFP-protective face mask. For this purpose, hygroscopic hydrogels that binds breath condensate are synthesized, in which the detection reagents are stored. The reagents consist of marker-antibodies or marker-nucleic acid conjugates that interact with the target structures of the pathogen. The microstructured hydrogel matrix is placed in a suitable module in which the reactions required to detect the viral components take place. After a wearing time of 30 minutes an infection to the wearer of the mask by means of a color change / blackening in the form of a visible band is indicated. To increase the test sensitivity / quantify the viral load in the breath condensate, an miniature photometer can be used, which determines the test result more accurately than a visual test.

Contact: Dr. Christian Frank Zilch, CEO / CSO,, Tel: +49 -176 – 2325 2940,

Mediagnost – anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG Antibody ELISA

Mediagnost – anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG Antibody ELISA

The Mediagnost Anti-SARS-CoV-2 ELISA E111-IVD is a highly specific enzyme immunoassay for the detection of IgG antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2-S1 receptor binding domain (RBD) in human blood. The test has been CE marked since May 6, 2020.

The Anti-SARS-CoV-2 ELISA is produced and sold by Mediagnost and is now available to diagnostic laboratories that have established the appropriate facilities to carry out the ELISA technique.

Mediagnost specializes in developing ELISA systems and producing these as test kits: e.g.  for Growth Factor, Leptin, and antibodies against Hepatitis A-Virus or Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Contact: Dr. Angelika Haage, CEO,, Tel: +49 (0) 7121 51484 0,

Microcoat - Biomarker evaluation and quantification

Microcoat - Biomarker evaluation and quantification

Microcoat offers the analysis of infectious disease relevant biomarkers, e.g. cytokines on various platforms. We have multiplex panels established on ELLA, MSD and Quanterix platforms.
We have established the Simple Plex COVID-19 Cytokine Storm Panel suitable for measurement of key inflammation markers that are indicative of pathologic inflammatory response.
Benchmark and selection of platforms for the evaluation of new potential biomarkers in early phase and pre-clinical development.
Routine analysis of validated biomarkers in clinical phase (GCP).

Contact: Dr. Katharina Malinowsky, Director Biomarker Services,, Tel: +49-8158 9981 32,

Microcoat - Development and Manufacturing of Rapid Tests

Microcoat - Development and Manufacturing of Rapid Tests

We are offering expertise in development and manufacturing of ELISA as well as Lateral Flow Assays.
Microcoat is available for cooperation projects for developing diagnostic assays. Based on established technologies and material platforms we offer rapid development with subsequent large-scale manufacturing capabilities (Bulk materials, ELISA and Lateral Flow Tests).

Contact: Dr. Mark-Steven Steiner; Dr. Harald Waltenberger, Director Diagnostic Raw Materials; Director Development,;, Tel: +49-8158 9981 32,

Oncare - Epidemic management with myoncare

Oncare - Epidemic management with myoncare

We offer advanced technology for digital mass screening. With its digital healthcare platform myoncare, ONCARE GmbH provides a technical solution for mass screenings. Using a generic QR code, users can register anonymously in the app and complete the screening questionnaire stored there. Based on the score determined from the questions, recommendations for action are automatically made to the user in cooperation with doctors.

Contact: Christian Hieronimi, CEO,, Tel: +49 - 89 4445 1156,

Plazus - Technologies and solutions for infection prevention and control

Plazus - Technologies and solutions for infection prevention and control

Plazus Technologies is a development service provider that also developed a product that is a dedicated communication app for private groups to communicate. Everyone involved in the group, to securely share private information about individuals using blockchain technology.
We would like to extend our protocol and provide the ability to give secure and accurate information and up to date on someone's health history and status.

Contact: Galya Westler, CEO and Co-founder,,
Tel: whatsapp: +1604-649-4171, +49-160-1638-171 (please send email firstly to coordinate a call),

Quarano - Software Development

Quarano - Software Development

Quarano is used to collect data and document the epidemic management of health authorities by digitizing the work steps as well as self-reported quarantine cases and suspects. The application is not used for diagnosis or therapy of index or contact cases.
We are affiliated with the #wirvsvirus solution enabler by the German Chancellery and are currently testing our software with one of Germany's largest regional healthcare administration.
We are looking for partners regarding the operations and IT operations of our cloud solution, additional capacities for software development, and organizations willing to work with us and test our software.

Contact: Ferdinand Biere, Co-Founder,, Tel: +49-176 76612209,

Securetec Detektions-Systeme - Lateral flow test co-development and production

Securetec Detektions-Systeme - Lateral flow test co-development and production

We offer production capacities for the mass production of lateral flow tests.
We`re looking for partners to develop corona-virus piont of care rapid tests.
We are experts in detecting analytes in saliva or sputum.
We are experts in saliva/ blood/plasma sample preparation for lateral flow tests.
We offer a state-of-the-art handheld device for the electronic readout of lateral flow tests.
We have and offer our know-how and experince of 25 years in developing and producing lateral flow tests.

Contact: Dr. Torsten Stadthagen, Head of Development,,

TAKARA Bio Europe - Generate viral RNA-seq libraries for probe-based target enrichment of SARS-CoV-2 and Illumina sequencing

TAKARA Bio Europe - Generate viral RNA-seq libraries for probe-based target enrichment of SARS-CoV-2 and Illumina sequencing

We offer a technology for SARS-CoV-2 genome sequencing.

Takara Bio offers solutions to support researchers and clinicians studying and understanding the novel coronavirus.
Our SMARTer Stranded Total RNA-Seq Kit v3 provides:

  • UMI and UDI based generation of viral RNA-seq libraries for Illumina sequencing from 250 pg–10 ng inputs of purified total RNA
  • High coverage to also identify rare variants
  • Protocol for probe-based target enrichment of SARS-CoV-2 established (COVID-19 Genomics UK)
  • Automation and miniaturization possible

You can also depend on our widely used tools that enable accurate detection, purification, cloning, genome editing, immune profiling, and disease modeling for your critical work on COVID-19.

Contact: Dr. Hans Ehrnsberger, Territory Manager Bavaria and Austria,, Tel: +49 160 91064743,

TRIGA-S - Supporting manufacturers during evaluation of innovative COVID-19 diagnostic tests

TRIGA-S - Supporting manufacturers during evaluation of innovative COVID-19 diagnostic tests

We are supporting diagnostic manufacturers to get their COVID-19 tests on the market soon according to the EU In Vitro Diagnostic Directive, the new EU In Vitro Diagnostic Regulation and US-FDA regulations.

Contact: Dr. Jens Hain, Director Business and Clinical Development,, Tel: +49- 8847-69578-45,

Lab Supplies / Production Capacities

AFFINISEP - Sampling and sample preparation device

AFFINISEP - Sampling and sample preparation device

One of the main limitation of detection methods like PCR is that when a sample is taken for PCR-COVID-19 testing, the sample often contains a lot of background of biological materials from the patients, PCR is very sensitive to the purity of the sample to be amplified to have reliable results. So it is harder to identify the RNA of the virus against interferences of other biomolecules from the patient. This means that the PCR analysis takes longer and may lead to false negatives.
Our technology based on SPE disks is a thin and soft membrane (0.6mm of thickness) which can be adapted to diverse applications to collect contaminants. Our technology is applied routinely for sample preparation in bioanalysis, proteomics and environmental analysis:

  • to remove these interferences as sample preparation tools resulting a safer method (less manipulation) and save time. Several ready-to-use products are available.
  • as sampling elements embedded on specific devices to condensate breath particles exhaled by the person. The SPE disks offer a great flexibility to use and can be easily embedded in a device.
  • as a clean substrat to collect the samples on the SPE disks and preserve the genetic information before analysis in the appropriate lab

Contact: Dr Kaynoush NARAGHI, CEO,, 

AFIN-TS - Non-Target Screening Fingerprints for Drug Fraud or Drug Process Monitoring

AFIN-TS - Non-Target Screening Fingerprints for Drug Fraud or Drug Process Monitoring

We offer strategies, workflows and analysis in Mass Spectrometric Non-Target Screening of Drugs and Active Ingredients in products or production processes.

Non-target screening (NTS) is a universal technique that can be applied in many areas, such as drug production and the screen for ‘Non Intentionally Added Substances’. The occurrence of unexpected molecules (e.g. impurities, fake compounds and others) cannot be characterized with classical (quantitative) ‘multi residue monitoring’. NTS can be conducted in parallel to already implemented approaches, like drug quantity and simultaneously screen for unexpected or unknown compounds. This can be beneficial for all kinds of production processes or active ingredient analytics. If you need to monitor your drugs and products for security and quality reasons we will help you with our NTS analysis.

Contact: Dr. Thomas Letzel, CEO,,

BRAND - Products for RT-PCR and antibody test

BRAND - Products for RT-PCR and antibody test

BRAND products for  RT-PCR:

  • Filter tips, DNA and RNase free, Made in Germany and mostly available from stock
  • 96-well and 384-well PCR plates for all common thermocyclers, white color versions for RT-PCR available. l
  • Multi-channel and single-channel micropipettes Transferpette®, also for small volumes typically used in RT-PCR.
  • Pipetting robot Liquid Handling Station for PCR sample preparation.

BRAND products for ELISA / antibody tests:

  • High-binding ELISA microplates
  • High-binding ELISA strip plates

Contact: Dr. Roger Rompf, Sales,, Tel: +49 171 7324201,

CryoShop - Your reliable partner for liquid nitrogen equipment

CryoShop - Your reliable partner for liquid nitrogen equipment

CryoShop is a consulting and trading company specialising in the field of cryogenic and cold storage; offering products and services for ultra-cold, cryopreservation and cold storage  applications; we care for work saftey when working in deep cold environments – superior and reliabe  cryogenic personal protection.

Contact: Thomas Büchele,, Tel: +49 (0)89 63899 014,

FLUICS CONNECT – mobile sample tracking

FLUICS CONNECT – mobile sample tracking

FLUICS CONNECT is offering a flexible inventory management solution to label and track samples. Based on a mobile app and a cloud-connected label printer our system can be very quickly installed – everywhere labeling samples with smear-proof cryo labels and QR codes is needed. New labels can pe printed from the mobile app and are immediately registered in an online workspace, accessible by many collaborators.

Contact: Dr.Claudio Rolli, CEO,, Tel: +49 89 71690877,

Freyer & Siegel Elektronik - Development and production of components and devices

Freyer & Siegel Elektronik - Development and production of components and devices

We are developer and producer of industrial, medical and laboratory equipment according to customers orders. So we are certified according to DIN EN ISO 13485: 2016 and DIN EN ISO 9001:2015. We have special experience with sensors, electronic processing and actuators, as well as with the user interface. Our thinking is interdisciplinary and we take care of everything, as well as the device approval. We are happy to offer our services in the area of development and production of components and devices.

Contact: Sönke Paschko, Position Head of R & D,, Tel: +49-3302 / 79-121-34,

Helmut Schweyer Feinmechanik - Capacities and Experience

Helmut Schweyer Feinmechanik - Capacities and Experience

We offer our capacities and experience:

Manufacturing of complex turned and/or milled medical parts made of different materials (according to DIN ISO 9001:2015).

Contact: Stephanie Toch, QMB,, Tel: +49-89/92927766-60,

HWI group - GxP laboratory services, quality control, development and small batch production for COVID-19 projects

HWI group - GxP laboratory services, quality control, development and small batch production for COVID-19 projects

We provide laboratory services such as analytical method development and validation,  quality control and stability testing of API, excipients, medicinal products, drug-related products and medical devices. We are GMP- and FDA-certified. We have a manufacturing license for the release of clinical and market batches and we can produce small batches of solid, semi-solid and liquid medicinal products as well as dry powder inhalers. We are also specialized in the development of highly innovative medicinal products with high potent API up to OEB class 5 for oral or parenteral administration to patients in the most diverse indications.

Contact: Dr. Melanie Kerst, Managing Director,, 

Oxxid - Engineering & design support for product development, prototyping and production

Oxxid - Engineering & design support for product development, prototyping and production

Offering expertise in the field of product development:

  • Product development services for appliances and consumables
    - design, engineering, CAD, UX, UI, ergnomics
  • Production support
    - (rapid) prototyping, production of devices and mock-ups
    - supplier network for sample and series production

We offer technical support backing up your core business development.

Contact: Stefan Reichl, CEO,, Tel: +49-89 55 26 78 82,  +49-171 69 54 197,

Ritter - Plastic consumables for laboratories

Ritter - Plastic consumables for laboratories

We are offering:
•    deepwell plates
•    microtiter plates
•    conductive robotic pipet tips
•    transparent robotic pipet tips
•    racked microtubes
•    dispenser tips

Contact: Andreas Rauch, Key Account Manager,,
Tel: +49-1718315567 or +49-82325003720,

Zollner Elektronik - Manufacturing Solutions for Medical Devices

Zollner Elektronik - Manufacturing Solutions for Medical Devices

Do you need manufacturing solutions or more capacity for your medical products? Do you need manufacturing according to the specific regulations like ISO13485 or FDA?
Zollner has been providing manufacturing solutions of complex systems to the medical industry for more than 25 years.

Contact: Markus Reitmeier, Senior New Business Development Manager,, Tel: +49 99 44 201 7542,



Protection Equipment / Disinfection

bionic surfaces - NW fabrics with reduced infectivity: More than 5 orders of magnitude

bionic surfaces - NW fabrics with reduced infectivity: More than 5 orders of magnitude

bionic surfaces has developed methods for stably(!) modifying the surfaces of fabrics made from PP, PE, PET – these non wovens (NWs) are used for personal protection equipment (PPE), i.e. masks, protection garments ...

Reduced infectivity is achieved through in_line surface_modfication (100 m/min) of the fabrics with the strongly basic amino acid arginine (Arg).
Thus the fabric‘s surface becomes
i) hydrophilic
ii) Arg's guanidino group is dissociated leading to
iii) positively (+) charged surfaces - enabling the attraction of negatively (-) charged SARS-CoV-2 virus particles and
iv) due to pKa 12 of *Arg* the surfaces become *caustic* - thus enabling the denaturation COVID-19's *spike protein*

Contact: Dr. med. Rolf Siegel,, Tel: +49-931-275868,

ZO.E HYGIENE CONCEPT (zone efficiency hygiene concept) for Closed Spaces

ZO.E HYGIENE CONCEPT (zone efficiency hygiene concept) for Closed Spaces

Hygiene concept for the prevention and control of pandemics. Mutual protection against infection is granted. Everyone is allowed to take part in public life, including people from high-risk groups or those who are already infected. Works against mutations or new viruses.
Procedure for separating rooms with simultaneous control of the air supply and pressure conditions. Safety cells are created, potentially contaminated air is discharged in a controlled manner.
The participants (students, office workers, customers, etc.) join (lessons, seminars, work, etc.) being absolutely protected.

Contact: Dipl. Ing. Catherine Cordonia, MBE (Master of Business Engineering), Director,, Tel: +49 1723457721,

FUGGS - Testing of the efficiency of reduction of Ozone-devices on the Covid-19 virus

FUGGS - Testing of the efficiency of reduction of Ozone-devices on the Covid-19 virus

We like to test the efficiency of our Ozone-devices on the Covid-19 virus

Contact: Steffen Widmann, CEO,, Tel: +49 -17613338477,

Hans Fischer - Corona Protection Visor with Glasses

Hans Fischer - Corona Protection Visor with Glasses

We offer a solid, high quality corona protection visor, shielding face and eyes, consisting of protective glasses fixed to a rotatable Plexiglass shield.

  • developed and tested by a dentist with highest standards for medical hygiene and practicability
  • produced in Germany
  • no fogging, longevity, can be disinfected, delivered with spare parts

Further information:

Contact: Udo Luppus, Sales,, Tel: +49 - 2234-957040,

SalamanderU - Recycling of masks for companies

SalamanderU - Recycling of masks for companies

SalamanderU link is a technology company made up of a multidisciplinary team of business experts in the life sciences industry, pharmaceutical engineering and IT.
In collaboration with Solidfog one of our regular partner, a Belgium producer and supplier of air surface decontamination systems (H2O2 nebulization), SalamanderU has the possibility to provide a solution to decontaminate masks in hospitals or elsewhere in a very short time, through the "CleanBubble", our containment chamber and the DosyMist mobile unit of decontamination of Solifog.

Denis Decubber (CBD - SalamanderU) – Via BIOWIN PLATFORM


Mathieu Quintyn, Science & Technology Counsellor - Germany,, Tel: +49 - 89 23709967, Mobile : +49 - 151 74112489,  

ScintHealth - SARS CoV 2 Inactivation using UV-C

ScintHealth - SARS CoV 2 Inactivation using UV-C

Partners having lab infrastructure (S3 lab) and personnel to perform tests with SARS CoV 2
Partners having access to active SARS CoV 2 viruses for experiments
Expertise on quantification of viruses on surfaces.
Hardware (UV-C incl. circuitry and UV spectrometers) for irradiating samples and measuring UV light intensity.
Based on the literature other corona viruses like MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV can be successfully inactivated using UV C alone.
UV C disinfection of surfaces with potential SARS CoV 2 viruses has and is been applied already during the current crisis. However, to our knowledge, no quantitative evaluation has been reported in the literature. We propose to determine empirically the dose/inactivation curve for SARS CoV 2 for different UV-C wavelengths. Thus we expect to deduct doses that are effective for the disinfection of surfaces inside hospitals, in public transportation, elevators, etc.

Contact: Dr. Thomas Wendler, CEO,, Tel: +49 (176) 82179775

RAS - Nanosilver based active substance with potential antiviral efficacy

RAS - Nanosilver based active substance with potential antiviral efficacy

We at RAS AG developed an antimicrobial agent based on nanosilver over 15 years ago, which is now sold for various applications and is marketable compliant with the EU Biocide Regulation.
The nanosilver active substance exhibits antiviral efficacy:
Our nanosilver based formulations recently have been tested efficient against different members of the family Coronaviridae.
RAS AG offers technologies to create coatings on various substrates, that contain the antiviral substance. The active substance can be incorporated into materials for long lasting effects.

Contact: Theresa Sigritz, Sales Manager agpure,, Tel: +49-941/60 717-318,

We are searching for Virologists or laboratory that have experience in the evaluating the efficacy of antiviral substances or surfaces that incorporate those substances. We are developing new products and treated articles, which include antiviral substances. The tests have to be performed with SARS-CoV-2. As result the efficacy has to be quantified at best in a certain percentage of inhibition or log-step reduction of the viral vitality/infectivity. There are different test methods available, we are open to discuss.

Contact: Gregor Schneider, Authorized Head of Business unit agpure®,, Tel: +49-941/60 717-305,

Research / Drug Discovery Tools, Reagents or Services

2Bind - Biophysical analytical tools in early COVID19 drug discovery

2Bind - Biophysical analytical tools in early COVID19 drug discovery

2bind has a broad portfolio of different biophysical analytical tools to study drug – target interactions. The range of assay cover biophysical HIT ID (HTS) via HIT validation to characterization of HITs.
Potential hits for COVID19 relevant targets could be identified and validated using different biophysical methods (MST, nanoDSF, ITC, BLI).

Contact: Dr. Thomas Schubert, CEO,, +49 941 20000890

Biocrates – Metabolomics Kits and Services

Biocrates – Metabolomics Kits and Services

Biocrates is a leading supplier in Metabolomics. The technology is suitable for use in clinical biomarker research (e.g. patient stratification), as well as along the pharmaceutical R&D cycle. Biocrates’ solutions are designed to increase the likelihood of successful transfer into patient care.

Metabolism is an important component of immune regulation. Published results from research on pneumonia and sepsis provide a scientific basis for the investigation of candidate biomarkers in Covid-19. Further information can be found at

Key benefits of Biocrates solutions:

  • Broad coverage of metabolic pathways
  • Many immunomodulatory pathways analyzed, including immune modulatory microbial metabolites
  • Quantitative and reproducible results
  • Innovative kit design – samples can be analyzed at Biocrates’ laboratories or in a partner laboratory of choice

Contact: Stefan Ledinger, Director Business Development – DACH,, Tel: +43 676 848 434 848,

BioMed Center Innovation - Antiviral Surface and Fog-Droplet-Contamination Assay

BioMed Center Innovation - Antiviral Surface and Fog-Droplet-Contamination Assay

We offer a novel spray-novel and surface-contact assay to simulate human corona-virus transmission and are looking for interested parties.

A fog of virus-suspension with droplets from very fine to coarse can be produced to evaluate protective or antiviral methods. We use Human Coronavirus 229E as model, it is more sensitive than SARS-CoV but well suited to assay effects generally targeting coronaviruses. Specifically developed to test antiviral materials, surfaces, disinfection procedures of surfaces. We also evaluate general antiviral properties based on this model.

Contact: Daniel Seitz, CEO,, Tel: +49 - 921 793 16 361,

Biotrend - Proteins, Antibodies, cDNA, RNA-Extraction Kits, Detection Kits for SARS-CoV-2 Research and Vaccine Development

Biotrend - Proteins, Antibodies, cDNA, RNA-Extraction Kits, Detection Kits for SARS-CoV-2 Research and Vaccine Development

Biotrend Chemikalien GmbH, the German Office of the European Cliniscience-Sales-Group, is offering different 2019-nCoV and related proteins (ACE2, S protein, S protein RBD, S1, nucleocapsid etc.), cDNA, antibodies, therapeutic candidates, ELISA, RT-PCR and RNA-Extraction Kits for COVID-19 research and Vaccine development.

A complete range of products to study Coronavirus - Covid-19 (nCoV2019)

Contact: Dr. Claudia Proemper,, Tel: +49 221 9498320,

Biozol - Specific SARS-CoV-2 - COVID-19 antibodies, proteins and detection kits

Biozol - Specific SARS-CoV-2 - COVID-19 antibodies, proteins and detection kits

We are an international distributor with a global partner network. We can provide more than 20 Million products of more than 140 partner companies around the world. We are working under high pressure to continously update our webshop with products specifically for research and diagnostics on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19.

Contact: Dr. Björn Scheler, Team Leader Marketing and Sales Event,, Tel: +49-89-37 99 666 92,   

Cellassays - Label-free test for efficacy of antiviral substances toward cellular models with microphysiometry

Cellassays - Label-free test for efficacy of antiviral substances toward cellular models with microphysiometry

Cellassays GmbH offers label-free tests for efficacy of antiviral substances toward cellular models with microphysiometry.

Contact: Dr. Joachim Wiest, CEO,, Tel: +49-8394-257929,

CellTool - Raman-Trapping-Microscope BioRam® for fast detection of pathogens

CellTool - Raman-Trapping-Microscope BioRam® for fast detection of pathogens

Looking for partners:
We have coupled a 785nm Raman excitation laser into an inverted digital microscope for fast and easy single cell analysis without any labelling or staining. Due to the unique laser coupling optical trapping features are induced simultaneously that attract cells/bacteria/exosomes/viruses and hold them in position during Raman spectra acquisition. Optional fluorescence modules allow comparison with routine staining procedures.

Contact: Dr. Karin Schütze, Position CSO,, Tel: +49-172-754 7728,

Chromotek - Determination of binding kinetics of anti-COVID-19 antibodies

Chromotek - Determination of binding kinetics of anti-COVID-19 antibodies

We offer Nano-CaptureLigands™ for immobilization of antibodies in label-free BLI & SPR assays and ELISA.

The functional, reliable immobilization of antibodies is key to accurate determination of binding kinetics and screening. The novel Nano-CaptureLigands immobilization reagents capture human, mouse and rabbit antibodies in a site directed, dense manner. Nano-CaptureLigands are biotinylated Nanobodies/ VHHs with high affinity for a stable baselines and chemical stability for multiple regeneration cycles.

In a case study, we demonstrate the precision of binding kinetics’ determination of human and mouse variants of the COVID-19 antibody CR3022 to the SARS-CoV2 Spike receptor-binding domain.

Contact: Dr. Klaus Herick, VP Marketing & Sales,, Tel:
+49 89 124 148 819,

EpiQMAx - Mass spectrometry for antibody analytics and small molecule testing for COVID19

EpiQMAx - Mass spectrometry for antibody analytics and small molecule testing for COVID19

EpiQMAx offers the analysis of antibodies and small molecules by means of mass spectrometry. In particular, we can characterize biological and biophysical parameters very precisely. Thereby, we support all research activities for COVID19 and offer our platform technology for drug discovery purposes.

Contact: Dr. Moritz Völker-Albert, CEO,, Tel: +49-89 2153 5730,

European Vaccine Initiative – R&D support for vaccine development

European Vaccine Initiative – R&D support for vaccine development

What can we offer:

  • A fully equipped project management office
  • Expertise in pre-clinical and early phase clinical development of vaccines, incl. support with setting up e.g. pre-clinical assays, GMP manufacture, clinical trials
  • A global partner network consisting of Academic Institutions (public and private), Vaccine Companies (human and veterinary vaccines, big pharma, SMEs, CMOs, CROs), Regulatory Agencies, etc.
  • High Quality Technical Services to support the development of vaccines through the H2020 funded TRANSVAC2 project (
  • Training on various aspects of vaccine development either directly through EVI (please enquire) or through the H2020 funded TRANSVAC2 project (

What are we looking for:

  • Collaborators who are interested in partnering with EVI for the development of a Covid-19 vaccine
  • Organisations in need of technical services and training

Contact: Dr Stefan Jungbluth / Dr Nicola Viebig, Head of Business Development / Chief Scientific Officer, /, Tel: +49-176-31615202 / +49-176-31615203,

Firalis– CRO for Biomarker research (proteomic and genomic)

Firalis– CRO for Biomarker research (proteomic and genomic)


We are offering technologies to accelerate research on covid19 projects at attractive price. In collaboration with Olink company we are offering proteomic analysis on large multiplex assay at very special rate (-50%) but also NGS on Illumina platform at reduced price.

Olink technology: 92 plex of proteins, 13 panels availables including inflammation panel to monitor cytokines strom. The technology request only 1µl of serum/plasma per panel for accurate quantification of 92 markers.
NGS: By using the latest technology (NextSeq2000) and illumina action to support COVID19 research, we are able to provide NGS services as RNA-Seq, WES at low price and rapid execution.

Contact: Dr. Eric Schordan, CSO Profilomic, and, Tel: +33 389 911 320,

Fraunhofer EMFT/IBMT- Monitoring cell-based neutralization assays

Fraunhofer EMFT/IBMT- Monitoring cell-based neutralization assays

We are offering a label-free, impedance-based platform to monitor the host cell response in assays addressing the neutralizing capacity of antibodies against Covid-19.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Joachim Wegener,, Tel: +49-941-943-4546 or +49-179-4872144,,

Fraunhofer ISC, University of Halle, University of Leipzig - PULSAR - Pulmonary pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 in an induced-pluripotent stem cell-derived alveolar-endothelial co-culture model

Fraunhofer ISC, University of Halle, University of Leipzig - PULSAR - Pulmonary pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 in an induced-pluripotent stem cell-derived alveolar-endothelial co-culture model

We are offering iPSC-based pulmonar in vitro models as target for infection studies and model system for drug discovery and substance testing. Furthermore, the possibility to perform infection studies under BSL3 conditions can be offered.
We are using human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from young or aged subjects for differentiation into alveolar type II epithelial cells (AEC II), endothelial cells, and macrophages in order to establish a human lung model. Analyzing macrophages will characterize immunopathological alterations that accompany COVID-19. The lung models will be infected with SARS CoV-2 under BSL3 conditions to identify candidates for diagnostic markers of age specific effects as well as prognostic markers for disease severity of SARS-CoV 2 infection.

Contact: PD Dr. Claudia Claus/Dr. Matthias Jung/Dr. Antje Appelt-Menzel,, Tel: +49 - 341 97 14321,,,

HMGU - A mouse challenge model to test the efficacy and protective capacity of vaccine candidates

HMGU - A mouse challenge model to test the efficacy and protective capacity of vaccine candidates

We can apply recombinant murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV-68) as a challenge virus in mice to test the efficacy of heterologous candidate human vaccines.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Heiko Adler, Deputy Head of Research Unit, Research Group Leader,, Tel: +49-89-3187-1327,

ibidi - Labware Solutions for Virology Research

ibidi - Labware Solutions for Virology Research

We are looking for partners in the field of virus research to combine our technologies and expertise for common research funding projects.
We offer versatile solutions for studying virus infection of endothelial/epithelial cells under physiologic conditions in vitro.

Examples are assays using endothelial cells under flow, lung models on air-liquid interfaces (ALI), or assays using intestinal epithelial cells.

For label-free cell killing assays, we offer a novel micropatterning technology. Using this method, single cells or cell clusters can be automatically tracked using AI-based analysis.

If you need a specialized product for your research that is not in our portfolio, please contact us and we will gladly collaborate with you.

Contact: Dr. Ulf Rädler, Business Development,,
Tel: +49-89 5204617-0,

INCYTON - Automated cell-based real-time assay platform with multiple label-free sensors

INCYTON - Automated cell-based real-time assay platform with multiple label-free sensors

We are offering our technology for vaccine development, viral investigations and pathogen-target cell characterization.
We are looking for partners to develop further established methods and who are in the preclinical in vitro testing of vaccine candidates.

Contact: Dr. Martin Strehle, CEO,, Tel: +49-89-203 241 42 71,

Iris Biotech - Chemical Synthesis Service

Iris Biotech - Chemical Synthesis Service

Particular for any type of linker technology between biomolecules, antibodies, proteins etc., and small molecules. Linker can be designed that they are stable in all physiological environments or stable in plasma and fragmentize in lysosome.

Contact: Dr. Thomas Bruckdorfer, CSO & Vice President Business Development,, Tel: +49 9231 97121-10,

LMU Institute of Laboratory Medicine - Therapeutic drug monitoring of antiviral medication and quantification of potential diagnostic small molecule biomarkers

LMU Institute of Laboratory Medicine - Therapeutic drug monitoring of antiviral medication and quantification of potential diagnostic small molecule biomarkers

Offering: Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysis of different antiviral agents and other small molecule compounds from human serum or plasma.

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of antiviral substances for treatment of COVID-19 patients may be important in clinical studies and may offer therapeutic advantages in standard clinical care. For this purpose, quantification methods will be developed according to the following substance prioritization list:
1. Camostat mesylate, 2. Remdesivir, 3. Favipiravir, 4. Chloroquine/ Hydroxychloroquine, 5. Arbidol, 6. Ritonavir/ Lopinavir, 7. Ribavirin/ Sofosbuvir
Beyond these drug target analytes, the available technical platform could be used to quantify small molecule compounds with potential added diagnostic value in the context of severe viral infections.

Contact: Prof. Dr. med. Daniel Teupser, Director, Institute for Laboratory Medicine,, Tel: + 49 89 4400 - 73210,

MvP Institute - From intra-viral and virus-host protein-protein interactions to broad-spectrum antivirals against Coronaviruses

MvP Institute - From intra-viral and virus-host protein-protein interactions to broad-spectrum antivirals against Coronaviruses

we are a virology/molecular biology lab working on Coronaviruses for ~15 years
1) Motivated students in bioscience field with benchwork experience (molecular biology, cell culture) for internships, bachelor, masters, PhD work
2) Computer-aided drug design modellors for inhibitor modelling of our most promising coronavirus-host protein-protein interactions
3) Organic chemistry synthesis of small cyclic peptides

Contact: Dr. Albrecht von Brunn, Research group leader,, Tel: +49-89-218072839, 

Nanotemper - Biophysical analytics of viruses, vaccines and therapeutic molecules

Nanotemper - Biophysical analytics of viruses, vaccines and therapeutic molecules

We offer easy to use biophysical instruments with low sample consumption and high throughput. to measure the binding affinity of molecules to viruses. We can also measure the RNA/DNA release of viruses/virus like particles, the payload of viruses and the size of virus particles.
Our instruments allow to detect the serotype of viruses and you can measure the thermal, chemical and colloidal stability of virus particles and virus proteins. Finally, we provide technologies to optimize the formulation of vaccines and therapeutic proteins.

Contact: Dr. Phillip Baaske, CEO,, Tel: +49 89 4522895100,

Nucleus Biotech - SARS-CoV-2 sample collection tubes, kits and reagents

Nucleus Biotech - SARS-CoV-2 sample collection tubes, kits and reagents

We coffer a wide range of products to support SARS-CoV-2 studies.

View our portfolio of relevant products and services supporting your  SARS-CoV-2 studies

  • Sample Collection Tubes
  • qPCR Assays
  • NGS Library Prep Kit
  • Host Cell Entry Factor Expression Constructs and Cell Lines
  • Virus Entry Factor Expression Constructs
  • Spike-Protein Pseudotyped Lentiviral Particles
  • Spike-Protein Pseudotyped Lentiviral Production
  • Antibodies, Proteins and Services

We are looking for academic groups as well as biotech/pharma companies which are looking for new tools to accelerate their SARS-CoV-2 approaches

Contact: Dr. Elke Gamer, Product Manager,, Tel: +49 - 6221-426-3470,

OmicScouts - Chemical proteomics support faster discovery and development of drugs and vaccines

OmicScouts - Chemical proteomics support faster discovery and development of drugs and vaccines

OmicScouts combines cell biology, biochemical and mass spectrometry-based proteomics expertise, computational biology capabilities and drug discovery experience to support drug discovery projects fast and efficient.

Contact: Dr. Hannes Hahne, CEO,, Tel: +49-8161-976289-0,  

PAN-Biotech - Offering expertise and production capacity

PAN-Biotech - Offering expertise and production capacity

Expertise: cell culture media development; sourcing biochemical compounds; manufacture sterile products in industrial scale under ISO 9001 and 13485 standards.
Capacity: 10 000 L sterile filtration per week

Contact: Pascal Zimmermann, CEO, ,

PEPperPRINT - Serology Screening for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies on Peptide Microarrays

PEPperPRINT - Serology Screening for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies on Peptide Microarrays

  • Research product: PEPperCHIP® SARS-CoV-2 Proteome Microarray
  • Platform technology for the fast-track generation of high-density peptide microarrays covering whole virus proteomes or selected virus antigens
  • Serum antibody fingerprint analysis of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody responses on the epitope level in Covid-19 patient sera for IVD test development
  • Immune monitoring of antibody responses in SARS-CoV-2 vaccination trials
  • Epitope analysis services of prognostic or neutralizing antibodies in patient sera to support vaccine development
  • Epitope mapping services of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies

We are looking for:

  • Academic groups or biotech/pharma companies working on anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies
  • Academic groups or diagnostic companies involved in IVD development
  • Academic groups or pharmaceutical companies involved in SARS-CoV-2 vaccine trials

Contact: Dr. Volker Stadler, CEO,, 

PolyQuant - Protein Analysis Reagents and Bioinformatics Services for COVID-19 Research and Development

PolyQuant - Protein Analysis Reagents and Bioinformatics Services for COVID-19 Research and Development

Offering profound expertise and technology for mass spectrometry and proteomics research.

Our products and services for SARS-CoV-2 research:

  • QconCAT polypeptides for vaccine and virus research (see below). Apply QconCAT polypeptides in targeted proteomics for SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 experiments using Q-peptides (unique proteotypic peptides) for quantification by mass spectrometry. Parallel quantification of hundreds of proteins for e. g. protein related vaccine and virus research, biomarker discovery and validation, quality control for protein-based products and biosimilars.
  • Cov-MS reference standard for SARS-CoV-2 detection in patient samples using mass spectrometry
  • Custom COVID-19 protein expression or expression of protein fragments for SARS-CoV-2 (e.g. SPIKE, ORF3a, Envelope protein, Membrane glycoprotein, ORF8, Nucleocapsid phosphoprotein) or host receptors (e.g. ACE2_HUMAN
  • LC-MS calibration kits to standardize workflows between experiments and across different laboratories


Bart Van Puyvelde, Cov-MS: A Community-Based Template Assay for Mass-Spectrometry-Based Protein Detection in SARS-CoV-2 Patients. Van Puyvelde et al., JACS Au 2021, 1, 6, 750–765

Design and expression of a QconCAT protein to validate Hi3 protein quantification of influenza vaccine antigens. Smith D. et al., J Proteomics. 2016 Sep 2;146:133-40

Contact: Dr. Werner Deininger, CEO,, Tel: +49 (0) 9405 9699910,

Sciomics - Multiplex protein profiling services for acceleration of COVID-19 research

Sciomics - Multiplex protein profiling services for acceleration of COVID-19 research

Sciomics supports COVID-19 research with a focus on:

  • COVID-19 disease understanding (e.g. immune profiling of patient cohorts)
  • Development of novel therapeutics against COVID-19 (e.g. benchmarking of compounds, biomarker discovery)
  • Development of vaccines against SARS-COV-2 (e.g. vaccination response analysis, identification of COVID-19 epitopes)

Assay specifics:

  • up to 1300 proteins profiled in parallel
  • Minimal sample amount required
  • Complete analysis service from sample to study report

All assays can be complemented by a SARS-COV-2 proteome wide peptide array.

Contact: Dr. Ronny Schmidt, Head of Contract Research,,

Thermo Fisher Scientific – SARS-CoV2/COVID-19 Research Solutions

Thermo Fisher Scientific – SARS-CoV2/COVID-19 Research Solutions

Offer: End-to-end research solutions for coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 from pathogen detection and epidemiological studies to potential vaccine development
With a comprehensive portfolio of research products, Thermo Fisher Scientific is your trusted partner for viral research and epidemiological studies to potential vaccine development:

  • Targeted Next generation sequencing solutions supporting Epidemiological Research and Vaccine Development
  • Suite of development and production tools accelerating discovery, development, testing, and production of new vaccines  
  • TaqPath COVID-19 CE-IVD RT-PCR Kit for Diagnostic purposes
  • Remote service options, Lab supplies and equipment needed for a variety of applications
  • Custom Research Services
  • OEM and Commercial Supply

To explore all our research tools and solutions visit

Contact: Dr. Judith Pfahler, Account Manager,, Tel: +49 - 173 3474390,

Trenzyme - Recombinant SARS-CoV-2 Proteins

Trenzyme - Recombinant SARS-CoV-2 Proteins

To support COVID-19 research trenzyme offers following services:

  • Delivery of SARS-CoV-2 proteins off-the-shelf
  • Production of SARS-CoV-2 proteins with special features
  • Development of a GMP-compliant production cell line (viral spike protein)
  • Cell line development (assay cell line) for compound screening

Collaboration welcome & possible on development of:

  • cell based assays
  • protein based screenings
  • GMP-compliant production cell line (vaccine development)

We are looking for partners:

  • working on ELISA development  
  • doing compound screens
  • interrested in developing SARS-CoV-2 vaccine program

Contact: Dr. Reinhold Horlacher, Managing Director & CSO,, Tel: +49 7531 12290 0,

Twist Bioscience - Synthetic RNA controls and NGS Target Enrichment

Twist Bioscience - Synthetic RNA controls and NGS Target Enrichment

Offering consumables: Synthetic DNA / RNA products (genes, fragments, oligo pools, libraries) and NGS target capture kits.

Fully synthetic RNA positive controls for SARS-COV-2 (full genome)
SARS-COV-2 NGS Target Enrichment kits
High Throughput DNA Synthesis (DNA fragments, genes, cloned genes)
Oligo Pools, DNA Variant Libraries
Link to our COVID-19 research tools:

Contact: Oliver Latz, NGS Sales specialist,, Tel: 49-(0)162-526-843-0, 

Universität Würzburg Virologie - Test system for new antiviral compounds

Universität Würzburg Virologie - Test system for new antiviral compounds

We can offer to test compounds in cell culture for toxicity and for suppression of COVID19. We are looking for partners who have components, such as new polymerase or protease inhibitors, which have not been tested so far. We have established screening for antiviral compounds in different cell culture models. In addition, we have access to a P3/S3 facility and have already obtained permission to work with wild-type COVID-19.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Jochen Bodem / Dr. Maria Steinke, AG-Leiter,, Tel: +49-931-3181509,


Biomex - SARS-CoV-2 samples, panels and testing facility

Biomex - SARS-CoV-2 samples, panels and testing facility

We offer
- RT-PCR testing of samples
- SARS-CoV-2 samples, panels and positive controls
- expertise for partners

We supply human raw material sourced in our German donor centers to the IvD industry. Additionally, Biomex has set up an L2 lab facility for PCR-testing of up to 3.000 samples / day.

  • Our specific offer:
  • Seroconversion Panels to illustrate the onset and decline of human antibodies against the virus
  • Patient Samples - over 600 IgG and IgM samples
  • SARS-CoV-2-NAT Validation Panel
  • Positive Controls for the production of controls and calibrators

Contact: Thomas Dillig, International Sales,, Tel: +49 6221 894 669 89,

IBA - Covid-19 Spike Proteins Trigger Production of Pathogenic Antibodies via Clustering Platelet Factor 4: A New Mechanism of Autoimmunity Thrombocytopenia

IBA - Covid-19 Spike Proteins Trigger Production of Pathogenic Antibodies via Clustering Platelet Factor 4: A New Mechanism of Autoimmunity Thrombocytopenia

Request: We look for a clinical partner who can provide us total IgG isolated from Covid-19 patients sera.

Introduction: Several studies found that Covid-19 patients develop a high concentration of pathogenic antibodies that contain platelet-activating FcRIIa receptor.

Aim: In this project, we aim to prove a new mechanism of autoimmunity thrombocytopenia in Covid-19 patients. In particular, we hytheposize that the Spike protein forms an antigenic complex with Platelet Factor 4 (PF4). The resulting PF4/Spike complexes trigger the production of multiple types of super active pathogenic antibodies that activate platelets and other blood cells. We have previously proved the new mechanism of autoimmunity thrombocytopenia induced by a subset of autoantibodies (Nguyen TH et al, NCOMMS, 2017). We will use our previously established nanobiophysical methods to prove our hypothesis on the mechanism PF4/Spike complexes in the production of pathogenic antibodies in Covid-19 patients. However, we do not have the facility to work with Covid-19 patients samples.

Contact: Dr. Thi-Huong Nguyen, Leader of the Junior Research Group,, Tel: +49 (0)3606-671 600,

LMU Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital - Search for lymphocytes, peptides and HLA typing

LMU Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital - Search for lymphocytes, peptides and HLA typing

We are urgently looking for people who could provide:
- lymphocytes or whole blood samples from people who have been tested CoV-2 positive.
- customized synthetic peptides, length approximately 15 peptides. About 1 mg, do NOT need to be high-purified.
- fast (48 hours) HLA typing for about 5 samples, only A B C classification required

Contact: Dr. Ramona Krauss, Study Coordinator,, Tel: +49 89 4400 52990

Mikrogen - Serological Coronavirus/SARS samples for validation of our test development

Mikrogen - Serological Coronavirus/SARS samples for validation of our test development

We offer already a well-received Multiplex Real-time PCR assay ampliCube Coronavirus Panel. In addition, we are currently developing tests for the serological antibody detection of SARS-CoV-2. This will be both a screening test in our recomWell format (ELISA platform) and a confirmation test based on a strip test (recomLine).
We would need blood samples from SARS-CoV-2 patients and also serological patient samples for SARS-1 as well as seasonal corona viruses for differentiation.

Contact: Dr. Patrick Schreiner, Head of Research & Development,, Tel: +49 - 8954801-180,


bene pharmaChem - Second use of PPS to cope with cytokine (storm) related complications of COVID-19

bene pharmaChem - Second use of PPS to cope with cytokine (storm) related complications of COVID-19

approved oral drug formulation and injectable study drug formulations for clinical trials and in vitro studies.

Request: Partners for clinical studies
Eventually: partners providing anti-viral drugs

Contact: Dr. K. P. Maag, Senior Director R&D,, Tel: +49-8171-9825-100,



Cfm Oskar Tropitzsch - new drug against COVID-19 and a number of other viruses

Cfm Oskar Tropitzsch - new drug against COVID-19 and a number of other viruses

We are looking for pharmaceutical companies or investors which have the ability to speed up the development of our new drug (currently R&D substance) against the SARS class of compounds of course as well against COVID-19 and a number of other viruses (i.e. Zika).

Contact: Michael Schaeffler, Authorised Signatory – Project Manager,, Tel:+49 9231 961924/+49 17610 961924,

Delphi Genetics - Plasmid DNA production (GMP) for gene therapy

Delphi Genetics - Plasmid DNA production (GMP) for gene therapy

Delphi Genetics is focused on development and GMP manufacturing of gene therapies and especially production of plasmid DNA for viral vectors production, mRNA production, personalized medicine, API. In the context of Covid19, we could be active as plasmid DNA developer and manufacturer. Our facilities allow to produce from 10mg to several grams of plasmid DNA of different quality from R&D to GMP.

Cedric Szpirer - Executive & Scientific Director at Delphi Genetics SA Via BIOWIN PLATFORM


Mathieu Quintyn, Science & Technology Counsellor - Germany,, Tel: +49 - 89 23709967, Mobile : +49 - 151 74112489,  

Dr. Ralf Kircheis - NF-κB pathway as a potential target for treatment of critical stage COVID-19 patients

Dr. Ralf Kircheis - NF-κB pathway as a potential target for treatment of critical stage COVID-19 patients

I want to share a hypothesis for a therapeutic approach aiming at the simultaneous inhibition of whole cascades of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. The simultaneous inhibition of multiple cytokines/chemokines is expected to have much higher therapeutic potential as compared to single target approaches to prevent cascade (i.e. triggering, synergistic, and redundant) effects of multiple induced cytokines and chemokines in critical stage COVID-19 patients.

I am looking for research labs and clinical institutions or pharmaceutical companies which are willing to take up these ideas and add experimental data, try registered drugs for re-purposing against COVID-19.

Perspective: NF-κB pathway as a potential target for treatment of critical
stage COVID-19 patients

Contact: Dr. Ralf Kircheis, Director R&D,, Tel: +49 - 15116790606, 

HMGU - Neutralizing fully human antibodies against Covid-19

HMGU - Neutralizing fully human antibodies against Covid-19

We are looking for partners for pre-clinical validation of the antibodies as well as for large-scale production (ideally, GMP compliant)

Contact: Prof. Dr. R. Zeidler, Group Leader,, Tel: +49-89-3187-1296,

LMU/TUM - Pulmonary delivery of siRNA against viral targets in corona viruses

LMU/TUM - Pulmonary delivery of siRNA against viral targets in corona viruses

Request for industry collaborator in the area of siRNA design and synthesis.
Request for industry collaborator in the area of aerosol medicine.

The aim of this project is to identify target regions in the conserved areas of the SARS-CoV-2 genome to allow efficient suppression of viral replication by small RNAs and to identify formulation and delivery strategies for therapeutic administration into relevant parts of the respiratory tract.

The consortium has strong expertise in virology and nucleic acid based therapeutic approaches in virology as well as expertise in nucleic acid formulation and delivery with a special focus on pulmonary delivery of dry and liquid formulations, assessment of aerodynamic parameters and in vitro testing in air-liquid-interphase cell culture models as well as in vivo after pulmonary administration.

Prof. Dr. Olivia Merkel, Prof. for Drug Delivery,, +49 - 89 2180 77025,  
Dr. med. Thomas Michler, Medical specialist / Research group leader,, +49 - 89 4140 6814

Terraplasma Medical - Cold atmospheric plasma for inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 and prevention of super-infections at mechanically ventilated patients.

Terraplasma Medical - Cold atmospheric plasma for inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 and prevention of super-infections at mechanically ventilated patients.

We offer a medical device for the significant reduction of bacteria and viruses in the upper respiratory tract at mechanically ventilated patients.
We are looking for lab-capacities and (pre-) clinical partners to evaluate the efficacy of cold plasma against SARS-CoV-2 in-vitro. Further we are looking for clinical partners for in-vivo testing and evaluation of SARS-CoV-2 reduction and prevention of super-infections.

Contact: Jens Kirsch, Geschäftsführer,, Tel:    +49 - 89 588 0 553 0,

Vaccine Development

Cevec - Cell lines for production of COVID-19 vaccine

Cevec - Cell lines for production of COVID-19 vaccine

CEVEC offers the CAP® cell line for COVID-19 vaccine development and production. The human suspension cell line (and derivatives thereof) has been proven in a variety of applications as a superior production cell line for vaccines, both complex peptides/ proteins as well as viral vaccines. It is particularly well suited for production of vaccines based on Adenoviral vectors, as it avoids RCA formation.

Contact: Dr. Ulrich Kettling, CBO,, Tel: +49-221-460 208 00,

Coriolis - Vaccine Formulation Development

Coriolis - Vaccine Formulation Development

  • Formulation development for Covid-19 vaccines and biopharmaceutical drugs against Covid-19 infections
  • Analytical characterization to support the development of Covid-19 vaccines and biopharmaceutical drugs for the treatment of Covid-19 infections
  • Compatibility testing with the planned clinical application of Covid-19 vaccines and biopharmaceutical drugs against Covid-19 infections (in-use stability testing)
  • Stabilization of reagents (including lyophilization, scale-up and transfer) to stabilize reagents required for Covid-19 testing
  • Production of lyophilized reagents required for Covid-19 testing

Contact: Dr. Michael Wiggenhorn, CEO,, Tel. +49 89 41 77600,

innobocap - Container Closure comprising solid vaccine for safe reconstitution with the solution liquid

innobocap - Container Closure comprising solid vaccine for safe reconstitution with the solution liquid

For distribution of solid vaccine for COVID-19 we offer a container closure comprising the solid substance being released by closing the container including the solution liquid with this special closure.
This can be conducted immediately before use of the completed solution.
The system is comfortable and easy to use, safe and helps to avoid dosage failure.
This technical development could solve the occurring problems regarding transport and storage of the vaccine.

Contact: Dr. Stefan Pörtl, CEO,, Tel: +49 151 44 56 2506,

Max-Planck-Innovation - First in class “semi-live” RNA vaccines against SARS-CoV-2, RSV and other respiratory viruses

Max-Planck-Innovation - First in class “semi-live” RNA vaccines against SARS-CoV-2, RSV and other respiratory viruses

OFFER: We can provide a viral RNA vector optimized for vaccine development and administration via systemic or mucosal routes.
(1) We are looking for partners experienced in process development for GMP-conform manufacturing of viral vectors
(2) We are interested in viral vector vaccine formulation development for  (i) stable long-term storage at RT or 2-8 °C and (ii) for intranasal/mucosal administration.  (3) We are looking for partners to optimally design SARS-CoV-2 antigens to be expressed via the viral vaccine vector. 

Scientists from the MPI of Biochemistry in Martinsried have generated Sendai virus “Semi-live” RNA Vaccines (the “vir4vac” platform) which are characterized by highest safety features. PoC of this platform was demonstrated pre-clinically with a vaccine candidate encoding the RSV-F protein. Efficient mucosal (and systemic) antibody responses and protection against challenge infections could be achieved. This RSV vaccine candidate is now ready for a phase I clinical trial. Now, we are also setting out to develop comparable vaccine candidates against the actual pandemic SARS-CoV-2 virus.
More information under: First in class “semi-live” RNA vaccines against SARS-CoV-2, RSV and other respiratory viruses

Contact: Dr. Matthias Stein-Gerlach, Patent & License Manager,, Tel: +49-89-29091918,

Univercells - Development of new treatments

Univercells - Development of new treatments

Univercells develops high-performance manufacturing technology to rapidly and cost-effectively scale-up production of COVID-19 viral vaccines. Our subsidiary Exothera, has the capabilities to do contract manufacture and development of these vaccines. We would therefore invite all developers of COVID-19 vaccine candidates to reach out to us. By combining expertise, we could bring a very interesting value proposition to the multiple funding initiatives being lauched at present.

Julien Declerck – Business Development Associate via BIOWIN PLATFORM


Mathieu Quintyn, Science & Technology Counsellor - Germany,, Tel: +49 - 89 23709967, Mobile : +49 - 151 74112489,  

Weitere Anlaufstellen:

Covid-19 Portal von Forum Medtech Pharma

Beschaffungstelle des Bayerischen Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit (LGL)


BIO.NRW COVID-19 Informations- und Kontakt-Plattform

BIOWIN Wallonia Plattform

Platform for open research on large Covid-19 imaging datasets

CoVex - A Coronavirus Explorer


COVID-19 Data Portal

Diagnostics Global Health 

Corporate Services

Constares - Recruiting support for free for startups/SMEs working on COVID-19 projects

Constares - Recruiting support for free for startups/SMEs working on COVID-19 projects

We offer our service Recruiter on demand (ROD) on a full service level for free for startups/SMEs working on COVID-19 projects.

We take care for all administrational aspects of your recruiting process, select potential candidates, screen them with a telephone or video interview. Additionally, we plan and accompany your interview process until the final decision and the offer process. With our service your time and effort are dramatically reduced, as many steps are automated by a recruiting software or through our work. With your personal login you can always oversee the status of the recruiting process and decide about next steps.

Contact: Christian Limmer, Managing Director,, Tel: +49 - 89125039831,

ageneo - helping companies achieve their goals with expertise and knowledge

ageneo - helping companies achieve their goals with expertise and knowledge

ageneo set up a campaign to meet the challenging requirements of companies working on COVID-related projects.

In order to contribute from our side to this great task of finding solutions, therapies, diagnostics, and vaccines for COVID-19, we offer our recruitment expertise for both permanent placement and freelancers for a dramatically reduced fee.

Contact: Selma Cevik, Head of Recruitment,, Tel: +49 - 89 72 63 210-10,

Dr. Petra Burgstaller
Dr. Petra Burgstaller

Incubation & MAxL Co-Lead, Portfolio Management

Christina Enke-Stolle
Christina Enke-Stolle

Incubation & MAxL Co-Lead, Partnership Management

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